BCAM-SD one year old for sale

Having done 3 IR scans with my new B360 I can’t see myself going back to the BCAM anytime soon.
This is an entry level camera and good for anyone interested in getting into the field.

The asking price is $3500.00 CAD This includes everything that Flir provided with the camera when I purchased it. This includes the Quick report software, charger etc… Additionally, I will provide you with a visor/camera mount that I invented for use with the BCAM.
I will pay for all shipping costs to anywhere in Canada and the US.
This is not a fire sale, the asking price is firm. The camera is in great condition.


PS I will also provide the Kodak digital camera that I use!
PSS The laser pointer cap is missing [BCAM-SD], laser works OK

Anyone interested please call me or post here.

Mario, I’m working on something, but at this deal I don’t think I can keep up!

Not sure what you mean David, send me a private e-mail


Do you have a spec sheet for that camera?


Are you referring to the HVAC course? BTW I think if you do it, it will benefit all IR users!
IMO With your background in the HVAC and IR industry, you are uniquely qualified.

Here you go Greg.


You got mail.


The only item that Flir **exacturates **is the life of the battery. It will last for approximately 4 hrs not 7hrs.

BTW The battery that I will provide is new.

One other question. How soon would I have to have it calibrated again? If you know.

Greg, I got three inspections out of one battery charge. I can’t get 1 out of my new camera.

Greg, ready for a camera?
Get this one.
Your not going to beat it for this price.
All this 1.0 / .08 res, pixel count (by the way is the square of the lowest pix count if your trying to compare) is a wast of time for HI’s. That camera takes a beating and will be serviceable for a long time to come.

I loved mine.
It’s about training, not the camera.
You won’t know that you need a $20k camera unless you use a $4k camera to it’s potential first.

Thanks David,

Yes I am ready for a camera. I agree with everything that you said. Thanks for taking the time to share your experience.


Are you going for it? I’d love to see another HI get into IR scans.

Hi David,

Yes I am going for it. I am taking my level 1 test next month at IR/INFO 2009 in Orlando. I have already bought a couple of domain names for web sites.

I believe it’s every 2 years, so 1 year to go.

BTW I will provide the original calibration certificate for you as well as all the original manuals.

Greg, Please keep me in mind.
I am trying to gather IR only (for relevance) sites for links to my sites.

If you have any questions about your decision, I am willing to give you “just the facts” as I have found them to be.

Call (615) 406-6808 anytime (in your time zone :slight_smile: )

Hey Greg, with your experience it will be interesting to hear what you have to say, after inspecting with the camera for six months or so. I Know it certainly changed how I inspected, and I cant imagine going back without one… If you need some sample web pics let me know, will be glad to send you some.


My B360 uses up the juice big time, especially when I use Fusion. battery life is 2-3hrs max.

Greg, Keep in mind that calibration is for when you need an exact relative (vs. apparent) temperature output from your camera (depends on your intended purpose).

There are several ways to field calibrate your camera if your not dependant on “actual” temp measurements. This keeps your camera in the “ball park” of what your using the camera for.

We have all tracked Mario’s IR activities.
You know where it came from. Not a vendors “throw it around the room and see how tough it is” scenario.

Mario, is there any problem shipping this thing out of Canada, like there is going in?


Congrats man. While starting off…If you have any questions, please feel free to ask and if your seeking IR images, I’ve got lots of them.

When your choosing your URL make sure it contains your geographical area in the domain name itself.

I use www.massinfrared.com and I’m on top of Google all the time (with keyword : Massachusetts Infrared

Yes Mario, More stuff, bells and whistles…

…more power consumption.

There are many ways around it though.

Having worked with other electronic devices (ground penetrating radar, geomagnetic scanners) the IR cam can do a lot for little Juice!