Bonding strap on neutral bus bar

Just wanna double check cause I don’t come across this issue often. This is a sub panel on a rural property. I noticed that there is a strap that bonds the neutral to the sub panel. In which case it could travel to the grounds in the panel. Normally I’ll see a wire going to the neutral to the ground but I havent seen a neutral bonded to the panel but I assume it has the same affect cause why wouldn’t it. But still just wanna check with you guys to make sure.

Is this a 3-wire feeder? Do you have pictures from further away?

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I agree with Christopher more information is needed. Some wider photo’s of the panel may also help.

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Yes and yes

looks like 4 wire to me and that main breaker needs to be secured to the panel with a screw.

And the bonding strap needs to be removed.