Are finger jointed studs allowed in residential framing for exterior and interior load bearing walls. Couple this with using Thermo Ply for exterior sheathing seams like a very weak method of construction.
FJ studs are allowed and are considered dimensionally stable because the warping or crowning is done away with. Made by a reputable mfg they are fine, just not pretty.
R602.1.2 End-Jointed Lumber
Approved end-jointed lumber identified by a grade mark conforming to Section R602.1 shall be permitted to be used interchangeably with solid-sawn members of the same species and grade. End-jointed lumber used in an assembly required elsewhere in this code to have a fire-resistance rating shall have the designation “Heat Resistant Adhesive” or “HRA” included in its grade mark.
I have not done any framing with FJ studs, but given the quality of lumber anymore, these would probably be a welcome addition. Young guys framing today can not grasp the quality of lumber we readily had access to 30-40 years ago.
You mean when a 5/8" piece of CDX plywood lay nice and flat on the roof? LOL
Yes. You’ve been there!
Joke about it, we built a 800 sq ft great room addition to the end of my home in 1994. Cathedral ceiling, gluelams, 2x6 walls, 2x12 ceiling joints, 5/8" CDX on a 6/12 roof. That was probably the turning point for lumber quality, just seemed to take a different course soon after that, at least around here.
When I started framing in the late 70’s, the old timers used to call #2 lumber of that time period : crating lumber.
Even back in the early 80’s, we used FJ 2X4s. They are more consistent, straighter and not prone to warping after going into a wall. They are not suitable for horizontal applications, but they have excellent vertical strength as studs.