I have an inspection tomorrow for a home I already did a Feasibility Report on, there was water in the basement and the home needs some work to mitigate the water problem. So far the seller has done interior drain tile with a sump pump on one wall and the seller and buyer are both aware the home needs more work.
My question is, this is an opportunity to offer the Buyback and maybe get some juice from having something another inspector doesn’t have, would you offer the Buyback guaranty knowing and reporting this water problem.
For those who don’t do or have heard of feasibility reports, they are a non invasive inspection that cover obvious items like furnace, roof, windows, ect. What’s different is you don’t remove covers or crawl around and at the end you give an estimate on cost of the discovered repairs.
These people were already customers from a previous inspection on another home. I did a feasibility on this home and all this was before the Buyback.
Maybe the Buyback Guaranty is not good for me since I do HUD work more often than regular inspections at this time.
I can remove the offer from my site until I get this all figured out. Right now I have 2 websites, one for 203K work and one for home inspections. This inspection was a 203K that turned into a conventional loan.
If I need to offer it to everyone it would be a problem.
Not as simple as I hoped.
The home inspection business isn’t the shoe business or the pizza business or the electronics business. There are a fixed number of home inspections out there to be had. Marketing doesn’t generate any more sales for the industry… not one. Marketing only steers the existing inspection work toward toward you and away from your competitors. The Buy Back Guarantee is a marketing tool that does that. It tilts the odds (of a consumer choosing you instead of your competitor) so that the odds are in your favor.
If you follow this thinking approach my thinking is you loose another marketing chance for the buy back to work. I place a paragraph at the top of my repair list in my report for every inspection I do about the buy back its just one more way of reaching the public thru word of mouth. It would be like leaving out the IR images in my report and expect the world to know I perform IR
Yep, I understood the buyback well enough, but on this one I guess its of no difference. I have to pass but the problem is, what if they saw the logo on my site and ask after the fact? I can handle that question but would hope it doesn’t come up.
This is a pretty clean property and I’ve already seen it and did the feasibility, I already have pictures too. I am not expecting these people or the inspection to be a problem. This is the 3rd time they hired me.
What about some written printable materials? I need something to help explain this clearly to my agents.
Also, nick, you mentioned early on that you had a 500.00 discount negotiated with an insurer for those of us that agreed to offer the buy backs. Who is that insurer and how do we get that discount verified? Do you need to send something on our behalf to confirm we are buying in to the program?
Participating inspectors agree to pay him $5 for each and every one of their home inspections. In return, he provides his message board promise to buy back the house of your unhappy client under very strict conditions.
It’s not "I will pay Nick $5 to back a particular house of my choice".