I heard a rumour today, it was suggested that CAHPI has approached Nachi in regards to using The House of Horrors in order for to run the first bunch of inspectors through a ‘test inspection with peer review’ as part of the National Certificaton process in March or April.
Is anyone that can confirm or deny the rumour? I think it is great if its true.
Any word on why OAHI has not issued as required info on the AGM resolution and motions, or those wishing to run for the BOD?
Rumour has it that there are several by-law revisions one in particular curtailing the rights of Retired Inspectors. And from what I heard other draconian measures to change the by-laws. I guess OAHI is purposely keeping the cards close to their chest so they can avoid debate and discussion on by-law changes. The less the members know and think for themselves the easier it will be to implement the draconian by-laws.
Maybe the current crop of incumbent, volunteers, non-paid directors will run again or be pro claimed due to lack of new people wanting to run for office.
As to NACHI teaming up with CAHPI, I know that NACHI has offered its resources to CAHPI via a letter to Joe Fontana. Speaking of Joe, I guess CAHPI has lost a friend. I hope the BOD of CAHPI like conservative thinking Ministers.
There are two sides to every story.
I understand that there have been considerable discusions on the National certification with CAHPI/NACHI.
I am lead to believe the reason no there is poor co-operation on this is because of the way CAHPI would not bargain in good faith.
Seeing as how the Home Inspection Industry has been kept in the dark by CAHPI.
I feel what I am told is true.
The president of Oahi is on record as having stated the following…
Our Board of Examiners/Admissions Review Committee has started a project to clarify the “baseline accreditation educational requirement” process to help new members better understand the road to RHI. They have also started to review the CAHPI “national accreditation program” to determine if it can work with our process. These two tasks are monumental and will take better than a year to complete.
I let those who have just read the above to figure out for themselves what it means.
Who is out of step with whom. It certaily alludes to the fact that even OAHI has not endorsed Certification and is apparently contemplating a year to access it. Which leads one to ask if nothing is carved in stone and we have all been led to believe otherwise, just what the heck is going on with the National?
The president of Oahi is on record as having stated the following…
Our Board of Examiners/Admissions Review Committee has started a project to clarify the “baseline accreditation educational requirement” process to help new members better understand the road to RHI. They have also started to review the CAHPI “national accreditation program” to determine if it can work with our process. These two tasks are monumental and will take better than a year to complete.
I let those who have just read the above to figure out for themselves what it means.
Who is out of step with whom? It certaily alludes to the fact that even OAHI has not endorsed Certification and is apparently contemplating a year to assess it. Which leads one to ask if nothing is carved in stone and we have all been led to believe otherwise, just what the heck is going on with the National?
It would appear there are two camps about National Certification in OAHI, those for it and those against it.
A motion has been put forward for consideration at the AGM for OAHI to “suspend” participation in the Cert. Program and to “suspened” remitting any further funds to CAHPI until CAHPI cancels grandfathering in Ontario for those not qualified practicing members of OAHI, and CAHPI comes to an agreement with Oahi on qualification requirements with regard to the National Certification and watering down of RHI. Some seem to have problem with grandfathering, lack of co-operation with Oahi, Oahi funding over $500K over the last number of years.
So this leaves me to ask and to speculate CAHPI may not be the greatest thing since sliced bread as we have always been led to believe and it most certainly appears the grandfathering clause is alive and well contrary to what we hae all been told, and concern about non members of OAHI being Cert. by CAHPI.
What a tangled web is being weaved. This is one of the reasons I put my membership in Retired because I am tired of having funds go to CAHPI all these years with nothing to show for it accept a lot of baloney. I am pleased to see at least one member in Oahi had the guts to put this motion forward. Somebody is awake.
When I was A oahi Member there was alot of confliction with a group of members who wished to leave CAPI. OAHI at this time only paid dues to CAHI for the RHI members not the Non RHI members of OAHI. This caused quite a conflict with the other Groups accross Canada Who paid dues to CAHI for all their members.CAHPI is the new name of the previous CAHI. I have been told this has been a consideration for OAHI to seperate them selves from CAHPI and forge closer ties with ASHI. This looks like it might be the eventual out come. Roy Sr.
Something stinks in Denmark, and it aint the cheese. I am beginning to think that I that perhaps I will ask for my $100 fee back for Certification via CAHPI. I am fed up with the disinformation put out by OAHI and CAHPI, and the special interests and the closed door decisions that are being made. No one seems capable of telling the right story for what ever reason. OAHI is just as much to blame by making decisions behind closed doors without full knowledge or consultation of the membership.
I think it stands to reason that an full and complete audit be carried out on both OAHI and CAHPI.
OAHI has put out its AGM documents, but sadly they documents particularly the nominations of contenders for the BOD are incomplete as are the financial statements, special assessments, et ceteras. Where is the money going?
Seems there are some questionable fees being paid for CAFE forum monitor who by all appearances is incapable of fulfilling her role at the expense of the membership. I guess it depends who one knows on the BOD in order to get a plum job for little work and is power tripping.