I thought some might be interested in attending this conference now that some Nachi members will become CAHPI members.
This is an opportunity to network with your peers and discuss vital issues affecting your profession. Everyone will benefit whether you’re a
novice or a polished professional.
Thanks Raymond interesting ideas.
I wonder will CAHPI extend the offer they usually give to the ASHI members to the NACHI members ,
that is being able to attend for the same price as CAHPi members .
This could be a great gesture by CAHPI.
It would also be nice if CAHPI put on their Bulletin Board about the NACHI Conference
It is really interesting to go to http://www.cahi.ca/forum/index.php and see the overwhelming interest in anything CAHPI. Only two posts on the entire sight! One would think that 5,000 inspectors who supposedly exist and that they will all be certified by 2007 would certainly be generating a lot more interest. Even if there are currently 100 inspectors going through the first phase you would think these inspectors would be discussing the program on the CAHPI discussion board. That leads me to think many are going in blind and believe everything they are told by what we know to be less then honest people.
By the way I have yet to recieve my $107 back from CAHPI. It has been well over a month and still nothing! CAHPI says it sent a cheque on or about April 18! Still waiting. I guess they must be hard up for cash.
I expect they will soon fix it so non members can not see who is a member .
I see they have listed 83 members making 20 post’s.
11 by Raymond ,5 by Bill Mullen and the rest only made one post.
Sort of sad when it could be getting and receiving information to help all.
I am sure this is not the membership getting what they wish but intimidation from the few at the top .
When it first started I was allowed on and only made one post offering to give help and answer questions from any inspector at any time . I gave out my email and phone number.
I guess this upset some one as I was removed and the list closed .
I asked the person who was to receive complaints ( Claude Lawrensen ) and got his usual ( Liberal answer ) lots of words but no substance .
By the way CAHPI was offered a free both at the NACHI Conference be great if they come .
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NACHI Member
User Name: gromicko
Location: Valley Forge, PA
Posts: 1,704
Re: Can we invite the other Canadian Associations to the NACHI Convention?
Can someone in Canada liason this for NACHI. We’ll give them nice booth space at no charge. How many inspection associations in Canada are there that might want to come? Let’s get them all to come and make sure the event welcomes everyone. Volunteer please?
Nick Gromicko
Questions? need help ?
New or old Inspectors .
This is the place we love questions .
There are many great inspectors always willing and able to give help in any direction. http://www.nachi.org/forum/showthrea…4493#post54493
This is just a small example of help that can be found on the NACHI sites.
Not a member, while you still can get to about 80% of the information given and we do not discriminate with those who are not members we help all.
Many of our education courses are free and very helpfull.
It’s Great to have a conference here. It would save me a bundle in travel costs.
When I went to the site you posted, all I found was a one page advert. Woopie!
Who can attend?
How much?
Where do you register?
Typical CAPHI! Put up the notice but block access to the costs and registration information.