*Thank you for your interest in an Exhibitor booth for the 2007 CAHPI National Conference, Inspection Odyssey 2007. Before we rent a booth, we respectfully request that you submit the qualifications that are required to become a Home Inspector in your organisation. These requirements should be submitted to both CAHPI-ON and CAHPI - National. If after the evaluation we find that they meet or exceed the standards that are required to be a CAHPI Home Inspector then we will gladly rent a booth to you. If not then the decision of the CAHPI 2007 Conference Committee is final and we will not engage in any further correspondence on our decision. *
*FYI, this is a standard request, not just for your organisation. We try to ensure that all of our exhibitors meet the standards we expect to provide to our valued Conference Delegates. In some cases this is a simple matter of the type of service they provide, how long they have provided it and whether it is a service that is useful to our delegates. If a college or learning institution applies we ask for their curriculum, or proof that they are already approved by CAHPI-ON and/or CAHPI National to ensure the courses they provide meet our standards. *
This will be interesting. The fate of a simple booth rental rides on the a CAHPI committee’s interpretation.
Perhaps we can help them. - Hey CAHPI quite playing “all-mighty” and take a look at NACHI’s Standards of Practice and Code of Ethics. As you review them note how all NACHI members must meet requirements beyond even your own organization. Pay particular attention to the area within the COE, and membership requirements in which NACHI members are obligated to meet all state, provincial, or other laws pertaining to the practice of Home Inspections to qualify as full members.
Not only do NACHI members need to meet NACHI’s requirements, but if they do live in a licensed/regulated province or state that requires additional non-meaningful testing, they must also be successful in that.
Now let’s talk about testing and schooling. Can anyone answer this riddle for me. Why in heaven’s sake is there testing required for licensing if laws are passed mandating successful completion of schooling. Don’t they trust the schools and their testing methods? If anything the tests should be an alternative to schooling. If you pass the test, schooling is waived for licensure.
If the high and mighty decide to read the qualifications and “approve” of NACHI’s booth rental, will that mean that they will accept NACHI members qualifications for the National?
Now that was not nice (But I like it ) Remember it is all about money follow the money trail.
Look at the cost of the CAHPI convention compaired to NACHIs Convention . Look at who they have teaching the courses.
Almost the same group every year.
See who teaches the OAHI courses, and compair the cost .
NACHI allowed OAHI members to attend the NACHI courses at NACHI members prices.
No con no black mail to join our association no intimadation.
… Cookie… Tried the rest and NACHI is still the best
I don’t see any reason we won’t hear back from them that our exhibitor application is accepted.
Even thought they oddly tied it to some sort of approval of our membership requirements, I don’t know of any association that has more. In any industry there is always some ramp-up. One can only complain about the height of the ramp (what the inspector must eventually fulfill) or the slope of the ramp (how fast he must fulfill it). That’s it. Nothing else to complain about. In either case it is pretty clear that NACHI has a very high, steep ramp.
None of it makes any difference anyway since E&O underwriters have explained that most claims paid are the result of inspector complacency, not inspector incompetence. And future complacency can’t be determined by any membership requirement by any association anyway, so let’s not kid ourselves here.
I’ll post the exhibitor approval tomorrow if they send it down. We’re already booking our hotel rooms. See ya there.
You are so correct, and that is how thing happen. Imagine if we all sat and said nothing… or did nothing.
Let’s hope this is a start to a great friendly rivalry, rather than antagonistic rivalry. That way everyone from all sides benefit.
And personally now that I have talked to Tom Lloyd and Aubrey Leblanc, I think you will see OAHI start to progress positively
With one small exception, every inspection association brings something to the table and has something to offer the industry. This is of great benefit to inspectors and consumers alike.
With one small exception out of Minneapolis, every association brings something to the table… NACHI just happens to crush the legs of the table under the weight of all www.nachi.org/benefits.htm .
it’s unfortunate, that some can’t go the cost of 600.00 far exceeds the budget to visit and then there is the plus plus plus.
Glad to see your carving the inroads here to canada Nick, that makes me happy to be a member and hopefull that you will leave a lasting impression on the supposed powers to be in HI withen canada and we can get CaNachi inroads under way
register before Oct 15/2007 non-member 675.00 after 15 oct/2007 725.00 for sat only 425.00 or sunday only 375.00
at the door after nov 2/2007 775.00 saturday only 475.00 sunday only 425.00
With these prices it’s way out of my league to even attempt to justfy going.
you’d think they would want to make it advantagous for Hi’s to showup but this just puts the fact that if you invest in your members your members will invest in the association.
I remember nachi doing something like that a while back, some sorta small shin dig they had in toronto , how was it stated the cheapest convention that gave a million dollars worth in learning back ,
anyways i would have enjoyed meeting yall there but don’t see it in the cards this year.
here is the registration link for ya to view http://www.inspectionodyssey.com/pages_images/2007%20National%20Conference%20Registration%20Form.%20rev%203.pdf