Originally Posted By: ecrofutt This post was automatically imported from our archived forum.
They look similar to some energy saving boxes put on by the local electric utility.
The ones around here look a little different though. They let the utility company shut off water heaters and AC when a peak is hit. Usually only shuts off for a couple of minutes per half hour or so.
Utility company cuts your bill by a few bucks a month for letting them have it on there.
Did you ask the local electric company about it. What does the text say on the boxes.
Originally Posted By: rharrington This post was automatically imported from our archived forum.
Unless I’m missing something here… I don’t see the box on the left being hook up to anything. Are there wires coming in from behind on either box. Only 1 wire is running from the right box to the left and in the left box there doesn’t seem to be any input on one side of the lower terminals marked 120 VAC.
The box on the right has romex in but I don't see the white wire or ground connected anywhere and the black wire is not definite.
Originally Posted By: Greg Fretwell This post was automatically imported from our archived forum.
I vote for a utility energy management system too. I bet if you chase that greenfield through the wall you will come up with a box with some contactors in it. Sometimes they just interrupt the start line to the AC compressor.