CANADA - Labour and Housing Minister Joe Fontana

Originally Posted By: rwand
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For your edification and delectation.

Raymond Wand
Alton, ON

Originally Posted By: rbrown1
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The link you posted doesn't seem to be working.

Although I might not be able to point and click as well as others! ![icon_lol.gif](upload://zEgbBCXRskkCTwEux7Bi20ZySza.gif)

Bob Brown
President NACHI Du-Ka Chapter ON. Canada
NACHI Cell: 1-484-429-5465

ACISS Home Inspections

Certified Adult Training Services

Originally Posted By: jhagarty
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Link is to a .pdf file. You may need Acrobat Reader to open.

Joseph Hagarty

HouseMaster / Main Line, PA

Phone: 610-399-9864
Fax : 610-399-9865

HouseMaster. Home inspections. Done right.

Originally Posted By: rwand
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It works okay from my end. Try cutting and pasting into your browser.

Raymond Wand
Alton, ON

Originally Posted By: clawrenson
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Ray thank you for the post. I find the release is interesting for several reasons. It has a history to it, but I will not get into all of the details. Once again the timing of that article is dated and seems unbelievable at the 11th hour after almost 6 years of work. It leaves itself a bit vague by referencing “building inspectors”. Case in point being there are two sectors directly identified for the national initiative - home and property inspectors and the other building inspectors. There actually is a 3rd group the First Nation Building Officers- that have mirrored the process but basically done their own thing. (See NACHI post re: First Nation Building Officers.) Personally, I would not read too much in the total accuracy of that article. That is simply my personal opinion.

Than there is the bit not mentioned about the offer turned down by this same group to sit at the table of the National Initiative way back at the start of this process. Seems once the ball got rolling and the momentum and neared its completion - there was a change of mind!

Than more recently there was the public speech offered by the same Minister (who with all due respect) at a AGM & Winter Workshop in London Ontario (Canada) just a few short month ago - backed the work and support of CAHPI and the partners in the National Initiative. Seems he thought the concept of one national home inspection standard and the certification process seemed long over due. In fact the whole thing is video taped - just for the record!

Simply offering another POV.

Ontario Home Inspections Inc.

Originally Posted By: rwand
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Thank you for the objective view. I didn't want to people to think I was trying to spread yesterdays news, nor trying to make it look current.

Raymond Wand
Alton, ON

Originally Posted By: rwand
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Hi Claude

Maybe you'd like to answer these questions. I have asked them before and never got an answer nor Wolfram.

Thanks very much.

Raymond Wand
Alton, ON

I hope Wolfram doesn't mind but I edited his questions and have reposted them here.

One of the spokespersons for the National has stated that CAHPI will be
administering the certification process for the National Initiative.
Decisions on who will be eligible for certification at whichever level will
be made by either National "Certification Council" or Provincial
"Certification Council(s)." These "Councils" will supposedly be at arms
length from CAHPI, and its provincial associations and will be made up of
people both inside and outside the industry. (Educators, realtors, insurers,
lawyers, and others familiar with the certification process) Although CAHPI
is the overseeing body, it will not be able to reject anyone who is
recommended for certification by the independent "Council", so it appears.

The questions are:

1.) How are educators, realtors, insurers, lawyers, and others
suppose to be familiar with the certification process?
2.) What qualifications are they required to bring to the table to be part of certification process/certifying Council?
3.) These people are lay peoples in the sense that they do not know our business, why are lawyers, insurers and particularly Realtors overseeing any type of Home Inspector certification?
4.) Who certifies the members of the certifying Council?
5.) Why is inspector certification not being held solely within the home inspection industry, considering that we are aiming toward self-regulation?
6.) How can grandfathering be avoided, even though we have been told there will be no grandfathering?
7.) Will those in OAHI in the lower ranks and I assume RHI be subject to this same review?
8.) Where are the resources and finances going to come from to fund the implementation of is endeavor?

Best regards

Originally Posted By: rwand
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Has anyone else heard the rumour that Darrel Smith has resigned from CMHC?

Fact or fiction?

Raymond Wand
Alton, ON

Originally Posted By: rwand
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Construction Code Council

Raymond Wand
Alton, ON

Originally Posted By: clawrenson
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It is best that I or others do not publicly announce the definitive answers to your questions until the final documents are released. Unfortunately there is certain protocol that must be respected by Construction Sector Council and CMHC for ?official releases?.

On the issue of Darryl Smith (CMHC) - he will be retiring within the next short while.

Ontario Home Inspections Inc.

Originally Posted By: rwand
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Another interesting site

The program also meets the Professional Home/Property Inspector Occupational Standards developed by the Canadian Home Inspectors and Building Officials Steering Committee for National Standards (CHIBO).

How can you meet a standard which has not been approved or ratified or the final product not yet announced? Kinda jumping the gun?

Or am I miss reading this blurb.

Raymond Wand
Alton, ON

Originally Posted By: lewens
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I spoke with Darrell the other day and he has not resigned he is retiring soon.


Just my usual 12.5 cents

From The Great White North Eh?

Originally Posted By: lewens
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As far as I can understand the standard has been set and ratified it is just the application thereof that is yet to be decided upon. Therein lays the rub.

If this is being implemented back door and administered by only one body it would appear to be very biased. I can foresee a requirement that would force anyone wishing to write for the certification to be a member of CAHPI and this would bring in huge amounts of revenue to the association. A conflict of interest to say the least, never mind bragging rights as the largest association in Canada. If this is not the case will someone from CAHPI please say so in no uncertain terms. When I asked about this in a previous thread it was let slip that this was probably going to be the case. I’m going to write the Minister for Housing, Mr. Fontana and ask directly. If every body did this it may get some response.


Just my usual 12.5 cents

From The Great White North Eh?

Originally Posted By: rcooke
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lewens wrote:
As far as I can understand the standard has been set and ratified it is just the application thereof that is yet to be decided upon. Therein lays the rub.
If this is being implemented back door and administered by only one body it would appear to be very biased. I can foresee a requirement that would force anyone wishing to write for the certification to be a member of CAHPI and this would bring in huge amounts of revenue to the association. A conflict of interest to say the least, never mind bragging rights as the largest association in Canada. If this is not the case will someone from CAHPI please say so in no uncertain terms. When I asked about this in a previous thread it was let slip that this was probably going to be the case. I'm going to write the Minister for Housing, Mr. Fontana and ask directly. If every body did this it may get some response.

Bill Mullen in an earlier post said it was defiantly the case . He stated you must join the Local provincial association of CAHPI .

Roy Cooke sr .... RHI .... CAHPI-ONT

Originally Posted By: rbrown1
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Do us all a favour, as I will.

When you send this letter, send it via registered mail. That way you will know factually it has been received.

I have seen too many times Canada Post being blamed for snail mail never arriving or at best arriving too late.

It is amazing that "WE" (home inspectors from everywhere) have not been kept in the loop as much as we have been told we have.

There has been many HI's who have told me they haven't heard any of this from anywhere else other than our meetings or on this BB.

Where else has it been stated that the Canadian Initiative has been brought out to ALL or as many HI's in Canada as possible.

Where else has what has been going on been publicized?

Bob Brown
President NACHI Du-Ka Chapter ON. Canada
NACHI Cell: 1-484-429-5465

ACISS Home Inspections

Certified Adult Training Services

Originally Posted By: rcooke
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rbrown1 wrote:

Do us all a favour, as I will.

When you send this letter, send it via registered mail. That way you will know factually it has been received.

I have seen too many times Canada Post being blamed for snail mail never arriving or at best arriving too late.

It is amazing that "WE" (home inspectors from everywhere) have not been kept in the loop as much as we have been told we have.

There has been many HI's who have told me they haven't heard any of this from anywhere else other than our meetings or on this BB.

Where else has it been stated that the Canadian Initiative has been brought out to ALL or as many HI's in Canada as possible.

Where else has what has been going on been publicized?

Great idea with the registered letter ,it might be a good idea to send them a copy via email stating this is a copyof a registered letter and that you would appreciate an answer as soon as possible . I do believe that the questionnaire that Bill asked the NACHI members was not sent to the CAHPI members at that time and still might not be sent to them.

I agree it seems that there sure ha been a lack of information going out to the majority in the Home Inspection Industry. Could this be a coincidence or possibility of not wanting us to find out information . It was only through a slip on the NACHI FORUM that we found out what was planned behind the scenes . We have now been told it is cast and we the majority have no chance of having any input into the future of our industry.

Far from a proper way to do things I think .

ROY COOKE .........A Very Disapointed NACHI Member

Originally Posted By: rbrown1
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Let’s us work all this in a positive way.

I challenge all of us to find out any and all FACTS that we can regarding this whole thing.

Understand that I am not not-picking this thing I simply want as many FACTS regarding this as possible.

IF and I say IF, ALL or as many as possible, HI's in Canada have been notified to this then we should all be able to put forth some facts.

I, along with many other people feel as though many of us have been kept in the dark about this.

Most of the questions that have been posted here have been answered with "it is done", "we can't stop this", and have been told to "wait and see what is announced soon".

FACTS, these are all anyone is asking about.

Bob Brown
President NACHI Du-Ka Chapter ON. Canada
NACHI Cell: 1-484-429-5465

ACISS Home Inspections

Certified Adult Training Services

Originally Posted By: rwand
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Larry, et al:

Comments voluntarily removed.

Raymond Wand
Alton, ON

Originally Posted By: rwand
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Fwiw I have written CCTT to clarify their news release and to get both sides of the story.

Raymond Wand
Alton, ON

Originally Posted By: rbrown1
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When you get any replies could you please post them so all might see.


P.S. If you would prefer you can email them to me if you wish.

Bob Brown
President NACHI Du-Ka Chapter ON. Canada
NACHI Cell: 1-484-429-5465

ACISS Home Inspections

Certified Adult Training Services