Canadian Certification

Originally Posted By: rcooke
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So Strange it is about One month till the news is realized about The National Certification.

I hope it will not be as big a flop as the one that was going to set those inspectors who signed up

to be the leaders in the New system to be released at Whistler last Oct.

There was a lot of excitement leading up to it and how only those who paid to take the course could do inspections .

We were told that there would be a huge demand for those inspectors trained in the NEW system .

Many paid large amounts and arranged there schedule so they could be the leaders .

Well it did not go ahead and all the plans promised for this year also did not go .

CMHC paid a lot of money according to a statement Bill Mullen sent out.

I wonder is CMHC again paying money this year.

It seems strange that CMHC is supporting CAHPI/OAHI when they are only a small part of the inspectors in Ontario

----- Original Message -----
From: Bill Mullen
Sent: Thursday, September 30, 2004 8:23 PM
Subject: [Canuck HI] Re: PDI course Whistler

The PDI session in Whistler will count as 'The Course' for all attending, and CAHPI will be giving those people the CAHPI PDI Certification.

The difference is that since CMHC is heavily subsidizing this 'session' and it is our pilot session, the attendees will be expected to provide information and feedback about the course and protocols and their field experience. There will be 120 'consultants' at this session. Since the CMHC subsidy basically saves our inspectors around $ 12,000 in total, we felt that nobody would mind helping out a bit.

There will be several courses offered at a later date. We hope to have these courses delivered in every province within the next few months. CMHC estimates that about 200,000 homes in Canada will need this inspection each year, so we need to get people properly trained and certified.

Bill Mullen

Roy Cooke Sr.

Originally Posted By: wblakey
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Please keep us posted… it is hardly fair for a small group of people to create an unfair advantage in the market place (under the guize of “protecting the consumer”).

Originally Posted By: rcooke
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This came today More information October should be interesting .

----- Original Message -----
From: Bill Mullen
To: Dave Bottoms
Sent: Monday, September 19, 2005 8:39 PM
Subject: [Canuck HI] National Initiative

The CAHPI Ontario newsletter came out today, so the 'Cat is out of the bag' about our big announcements at the CAHPI National Conference. I have been dying to see this out in the open, so here goes.

We are being honoured by the appearance of Canada's Housing and Labour Minister, the Honourable Joe Fontana. Among other things, Mr. Fontana will announce the details of the National Certification Plan with CAHPI National being named the Certification Body for all Canadian Home Inspectors who meet the criteria.

This is one of the biggest events in our history. I encourage everyone to attend if possible. This is the culmination of about eight years' hard work by many dedicated volunteers. We are about to gain the credibility and status we have coveted for years.

Claude Lawrenson and I will later tag-team with Kevin Sheppard, a consultant who has worked with us on this, in an explanatory session whereby the details can be outlined.

Bill Mullen RHI

CAHPI - The Voice of Canadian Home Inspectors

NACHI Where We all Learn

Roy Cooke Sr.

Originally Posted By: wblakey
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One thing to take into account is that there is going to be an election, probably in early 2006, which means that there will not be any new legislation passed before then.

Home inspectors who are not happy with CAHPI should make a point of lobbying their MP, and building this up as an election issue.

I am not against the idea of a national educational system for home inspectors (especially if it is reasonably priced) but I am against the governing body being associated with CAHPI.

There should be a national body that is non-partisan.

Originally Posted By: rcooke
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wblakey wrote:
One thing to take into account is that there is going to be an election, probably in early 2006, which means that there will not be any new legislation passed before then.

Home inspectors who are not happy with CAHPI should make a point of lobbying their MP, and building this up as an election issue.

I am not against the idea of a national educational system for home inspectors (especially if it is reasonably priced) but I am against the governing body being associated with CAHPI.

There should be a national body that is non-partisan.

Good thoughts from BC Welcome.
. I will try and keep all posted when I receive any information .
We have been told that our info is old and out of date but no one that I know of from NACHI has been kept in the loop.
It seems strange that an association the is about 15% of the home inspectors in our Province has so much power.
They do not seem to understand we NACHI has more inspectors in Ont then OAHI/CAHPI has.
I expect it could be close to what they promised last year in Whistler.
That looks like it laid a big flat egg.
Lots of sizzle and hoop ha HA and after many spent their time and money nothing else heard.
NACHI is growing and doing many good things
. I hear nothing but wind from CAHPI.
They have a great BB ( ) ( Message board ) and it never gets used by any one.
Many come down to the NACHI BB to find out what is happening.

NACHI Where We all Learn

Roy Cooke Sr.

Originally Posted By: John Bowman
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Which part of the Canadian Government does CMHC fall. I can’t seem to locate them as a government official that has the ability to assign or uphold government regulation. Help me out. I’m just a dumb foreigner with questions.

Originally Posted By: rwand1
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It is a government agency, it does not have legislative authority.

Raymond Wand
Alton, ON

Raymond Wand
Alton, ON
The value of experience is not in seeing much,
but in seeing wisely. - Sir William Osler 1905
NACHI Member
Registered Home Inspector (OAHI)

Originally Posted By: John Bowman
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rwand1 wrote:

It is a government agency, it does not have legislative authority.

Raymond Wand
Alton, ON

Thanks Ray. So where does that leave this silly National thing a ma bob.

Self-regulated?? Oh I know wait until October. They will have the Minister Fontane (I believe) up on stage with the magic legislation issued by the government of canada under a great big glass display covered with a huge canadian flag waiting to be unveiled. Will his magic wand be the pen for signature.

When does the Canadian Government come into the picture.

Again, Just a dumb Yankee trying to understand the great Canadian System.

Originally Posted By: rwand1
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The devil will be in the details of the final release. I don't see this affecting my future business, nor do I see it impacting on others. I don't see it increasing business, I don't see it decreasing business, I don't see it mandatory to belong, I don't see where CAHPI can enforce anything in Ontario because to my knowledge none of this stuff has been voted on or ratified by the membership of Oahi. Even the acroynm CAHPI-Ontario is being used without by-law ammendments. Seems in the rush to have a big fan fare in Niagara the finer details have been overlooked. National Certification in my opinion will not come to Ontario until such time as this is put to the membership for a vote either by resolution of the BOD or by call for a Special Meeting. Thats how democracy works last time I checked. Well who said proper protocol and rules had to be followed? You think Nachi should be special? If this is the case Nachi members have nothing to fear, want or need from the National. Time will tell.

![icon_lol.gif](upload://zEgbBCXRskkCTwEux7Bi20ZySza.gif) ![icon_lol.gif](upload://zEgbBCXRskkCTwEux7Bi20ZySza.gif) ![icon_lol.gif](upload://zEgbBCXRskkCTwEux7Bi20ZySza.gif)

Raymond Wand
Alton, ON

Raymond Wand
Alton, ON
The value of experience is not in seeing much,
but in seeing wisely. - Sir William Osler 1905
NACHI Member
Registered Home Inspector (OAHI)

Originally Posted By: John Bowman
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Well, I think it is great. The CMHC should be congratulated in the development of standards for government housing inspections. This runs in straight alignment with our HUD program here in the states. It is wonderful that OAHI/CAHPI has volunteered their services to self-regulate the OAHI/CAHPI members in fulfilling the requirements for this National Initiative and will opening their arms to all Inspectors throughout Canada (Well Ontario, anyways) who wish to fill out the necessary paperwork to become CMHC qualified.

Kudos to CMHC for seeing the need for national certification to inspect government housing. Can't wait until October to find out how it will be administered and who will be funding this. If I remember correctly the HUD application and appoval was simply a paperwork mill. You had to show proficiency in filling out their special forms and waa-la. you were certified by HUD to inspect Government Housing. No monies, no tests, just a signature and completion of a small course.

Originally Posted By: John Bowman
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You know, that reminds me. Most Inspectors here in the U.S. have either given up or refuse to do HUD Inspections. They find it very difficult and quite often not in the best interest of the client because normally all the utilities are off (and of course the government won’t turn them on) therefore making a full inspection of the major systems impossible.

Originally Posted By: John Bowman
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I feel like I’m talking to myself.

What is the ratio of Government Housing (Residential I assume) to the rest of housing in Ontario. I would imagine less than 10%?

Anyone know.

Originally Posted By: clawrenson
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John B - point of clarification and with all due respect - this is not an announcement about legislation. Its about “certification and accreditation” - on a voluntary level. Nobody is forcing any person to do anything they choose not to do. It’s that simple. Hopefully there is no need to explain that any further.

Ray - correct me if I am wrong - your past posts indicate your strong belief for legislation. But that is not the current dealings of CHIBO Committee or the National Initiative. You likely know well enough the differences between federal and provincial jurisdictions over this issue. So its no easy slam dunk for anyone.

Either way as some suggest licensing or self-regulation still has a long ways to go, and likewise needs to address many more issues. But definitely the national occupational standards, certification and accreditation are the initial foundations.

Ontario Home Inspections Inc.

Originally Posted By: rcooke
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jbowman wrote:
I feel like I'm talking to myself.

What is the ratio of Government Housing (Residential I assume) to the rest of housing in Ontario. I would imagine less than 10%?

Anyone know.

I think you are very high for government housing at 10% at least in my area and any other places I have lived .
Keep digging soon we should see what we most expect Double ZIP
Single ZIP is nothing so double that.

John you have a huge audience Many from The other Canadian a$% come here to find the truth .
I am surprised how little the membership knows .
Look out we could in the not too distant future Pick up a lot of members when they finally discover
that this National is a big wind just like the person who is pushing it .
He last year had many believe they could make a lot of money doing PDI instruction and also PDI inspections .
I have not heard of any one making any money from it .

NACHI Where We all Learn

Roy Cooke Sr.

Originally Posted By: clawrenson
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Roy how many homes does CMHC underwrite mortgages on? What about their other housing and housing assistance programs, not to mention that PDI thing. Not forgetting to mention the inspection opportunities any or all of those create.

CMHC has a larger influence than some may think in the overall picture related to housing and housing issues for CANADIANS!

Ontario Home Inspections Inc.

Originally Posted By: rcooke
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clawrenson wrote:
Roy how many homes does CMHC underwrite mortgages on? What about their other housing and housing assistance programs, not to mention that PDI thing. Not forgetting to mention the inspection opportunities any or all of those create.

CMHC has a larger influence than some may think in the overall picture related to housing and housing issues for CANADIANS!

Thanks Claude for reminding me

Roy Cooke Sr.

Originally Posted By: rwand1
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Et al

I am sorry but someone continually is singing out of tune in CAHPI. As you can read from the link this someone seems to have a problem and a phobia with Nachi. He keeps claiming to be impartial, but that behind the scenes tune keeps wafting out and creating confusion and insincerity directed at Nachi.

Raymond Wand
Alton, ON

Raymond Wand
Alton, ON
The value of experience is not in seeing much,
but in seeing wisely. - Sir William Osler 1905
NACHI Member
Registered Home Inspector (OAHI)

Originally Posted By: John Bowman
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clawrenson wrote:
John B - point of clarification and with all due respect - this is not an announcement about legislation. Its about "certification and accreditation" - on a voluntary level. Nobody is forcing any person to do anything they choose not to do. It's that simple. Hopefully there is no need to explain that any further.

Ray - correct me if I am wrong - your past posts indicate your strong belief for legislation. But that is not the current dealings of CHIBO Committee or the National Initiative. You likely know well enough the differences between federal and provincial jurisdictions over this issue. So its no easy slam dunk for anyone.

Either way as some suggest licensing or self-regulation still has a long ways to go, and likewise needs to address many more issues. But definitely the national occupational standards, certification and accreditation are the initial foundations.


Absolutely correct. Even though it carries the verbage National Initiative it is not backed, endorsed or mandated by the Canadian Government.

Hence it is voluntary as you so correctly stated but not mandated. In addition CMHC does not have the legislative powers to mandate any of this. So in conclusion this is a simple well designed self regulated mandate of OAHI/CAHPI and the CHIBO initiatives that also do not have government mandate powers.

As you said the key word is Voluntary. Because you do not volunteer to participate in a program of another association doesn't mean that you are disqualified to conduct inspections for government housing.

Thanks for the read out.

Originally Posted By: rcooke
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rwand1 wrote:
Et al

I am sorry but someone continually is singing out of tune in CAHPI. As you can read from the link this someone seems to have a problem and a phobia with Nachi. He keeps claiming to be impartial, but that behind the scenes tune keeps wafting out and creating confusion and insincerity directed at Nachi.

Raymond Wand
Alton, ON

WOW! it looks to me like Dave and Bill are getting very nervous .
This is so unfortunate it has come to this .
We as home Inspectors should be getting along.
Bill showed his true Colours last new years eve when he offered the olive Branch to NACHI members.
Within 6 hours he was again stabbing those *%&(*&% NACHOS
I have always tried to do what I felt was right .
Bill asked to have his survey put on the NACHI site and he does not even have the courtesy to tell his buddies
who it was he put it on the NACHI site for him.
Too Bad Bill we Both have some of the same friends and we both find out what is happening.
NACHI helps all too bad others do not do the same .

NACHI Where We all Learn

Roy Cooke Sr.

Originally Posted By: rwand1
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For whatever reason Mr. Mullens is not making it easy for anyone, inlcuding Mr. Lawrenson who can see for himself as others can that contrary to Mr. Mullens statements, he continues to attack me and Nachi.

Mr. Mullens seems to have a problem making factual statements, and has a problem diferentiating between right and wrong information. He is no spokesman, he is no poliitician and he certainly has no credibility.

I particularly like the part where he states I along with others sent a letter to Mr. Fontana. Nothing could be further from the truth. But I guess when one is desperate to make themself look good because of their own insecurities this is the result!

Too bad, and things were moving along nicely.

Raymond Wand
Alton, ON

Raymond Wand
Alton, ON
The value of experience is not in seeing much,
but in seeing wisely. - Sir William Osler 1905
NACHI Member
Registered Home Inspector (OAHI)