Cast iron y under a toilet. Is this hole supposed to be there?

Is that little hole supposed to be there? My gut says no it should not have a hole in a waste pipe.
But it is so perfectly round and centered I am second guessing. can any one confirm?

Hey Carson,

I don’t think the hole should be there, from the photo you can see indications of leaking.

Good luck.


It should not be there. Poor cast, surprised it wasn’t discovered on the stack test. That’s a heel outlet 90 and going to be a bear to replace. There is no way to patch a cast iron fitting.


Oh, sure there is ! :smiley:


You’re right that stuff is good for just about anything🙂

Thanks guys I called it out as in need of repair. But I appreciate the reinforcement. May hold off on recommending the flex seal though lol. The house was from the 50s so a stack test probably never happened

The width of the cast iron hub and spigot sanitary wye is unusually wide as compared to the reduced cast iron hub and connection for the toilet. I suspect the connection is DWV and not a sanitary plumbing connection.

I would refer this to a licensed plumbing contract to evaluate the width of the sanitary wye and the toilet connection.

There is nothing to eval… sh*t is not supposed to flow outside of the drain inside the house. It needs to be fixed. Come on, Rob!

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I beg to differ on your use of language, greatly. Childish impudence.
Sanitary refuse water should not leak from pipes or seals or hubs.

To clarify. A 3" inch diameter pipe is the minimum size for any building drain or building sewer pipe that connects to a toilet.

Instead of you disparaging me, treat the OP and views with information and respect. They deserve as much. The leak is obvious. Grow up.

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I appreciate the replies! and I can confirm that this was dirrectly attached to a toilet and then directly ran to the sewer. Again this house was very old. And also had a few Pacific panel. So they were screwed in muktiple

Yes it’s a 4x2 heel outlet elbow with the 2” connecting to the vent.

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Morning, Martin. Hope this post finds you well.
Who mounts a toilet on a 2" spigot ring? Lol. … The installer missed the boat. The waste plumbing fitting was for a shower, tub or sink.

Replacing may not be required. Looks like lots of room for plumber to work in if a repair will not hold but a Macerator toilet would allow refuse to flow effortlessly through the 2’ pipe. Likely the cast iron corroded from the inside due to human waste being stuck in the 2" circumference. Human waste is corrosive. As well that cast iron elbow should not have made it out the manufacturers door due to all the pitting imperfections.

Robert the 2” is the vent. The 4” horizontal pipe is the waste pipe from the closet bend. Plumber for 34 years. I’ve installed lead and oakum bell and spigot cast iron pipe for 20 years.

Yes it will. You cannot repair cast iron soil pipe or fittings. I’ve cut miles of old cast iron pipe out and replaced with PVC or ABS which ever is current code. Sometimes it gets replaced with new cast iron pipe.

Robert the OP didn’t give enough information on the plumbing configuration and I think you assumed the vertical pipe came off a water closet flange. They don’t make a 2” water closet flange.

Morning, Martin. From what I read the OP said; I can confirm that this was dirrectly attached to a toilet.

“They don’t make a 2” water closet flange.”
Not so fast. Typically a minimum 3" opening is required BUT, the toilet was likely mounted to a rubber Toilet Bowl Gasket kit.

Observation: Plumbing:
Cast Iron hub and spigot sanitary Waste pipe.
1: Pipe corrosion. Damaged DWV vent due to cast iron oxidization/corrosion. Cast Iron elbow Manufacturing defects.
2: Leaking effluent water.
3: Suspect: Defective toilet installation: Toilet mounted on 2" DWV vent.
Recommendations: Plumbing.
Recommend a licensed plumbing contractor:
1: Evaluate the sanitary drain & waste cast iron hub and spigot wye to discern ‘if’ a/the toilet can be connected.
2: Repair/replace the damaged leaking sanitary waste drain cast iron hub and spigot wye.
3: Act upon any referrals offered. "This verbiage, or anything similar, is most important!’ in recommendations, to limit ones/your liability.

Robert he never said the 2” pipe was directly connected to the toilet. Toilets have a 2 1/8” discharge opening. They don’t make a 2” toilet flange. Let’s put this to rest. I’ve been a plumber too long to argue a gravity drain toilet is connected to a 2” soil pipe.

Something tells me they weren’t connecting 5 gallon flush toilets to a 2” soil pipe 50 years ago.

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Read what ‘he, the OP,’ said. “I can confirm that this was dirrectly attached to a toilet.”
You can instal a toilet to fit on a 2" pipes. You could use a few different adapters but it wouldn’t work very well unless it was only liquids, no solids. Henceforth, macerator toilet 2’" inch pipe mount.