1 1/2 inch laundry tub waste, multiple cements for the S-Trap, un-vented into clay weeping tile, inserted and concreted into a Cast Iron basement clean out.
I love my job.
All are welcome to use as examples of how waste piping should NOT be done.
While it’s not “to code”, (blah-blah we are not code compliance officers, etc. ) the AAV would certainly stop the siphoning off of the S-Trap, and a P-Trap with AAV would have been “more correct”.
I believe the one in the photo is listed in NSF-24 as for mobile homes, am I correct?
I think they should have used something like one for built residential property and rated to comply with ASSE Standard 1050 and 1051. It’s around 12 bucks more expensive which is why we generally see the wrong ones installed. The Mobile Home Cheater vents are around $6.
Where’s that second waste going off to? (Bottom right) Not to a washing m/c I hope (No trap visible at all on that one.)
This reminds me of a long time ago I repaired a water leak under a jetted tub and discovered that the seller had the water back up and when they attemted to plnge the water, unbe knownst to them they popped the drain pipe off because it was never glued! Sometimes those ‘little’ things are really big deal!