
If InterNACHI does not provide things to help inspectors succeed, they
will cease to have members. Regardless of the tiny voices who think they
could run InterNACHI better, there are thousands of inspectors who
have voted with their pocket books in Nicks favor… year after year.

Vendors who provide superior services will rise to the top. Joe Farsetta’s
courses continue to draw inspectors because it meets a genuine need.
Dominic’s software and services continue to provide real benefits.
Russell Buchanan of HomeGauge provides a top notch service and product,
and people continue to buy his products because they are worth it. I could
go on and on… about all the InterNACHI tools and benefits we have.

Why don’t we count our blessings, as InterNACHI members, instead of all
the bitching? Or go join ASHI if you think they can give you a better deal.
Lead, follow, or get out of the way.

InterNACHI members are well served by the benefits provided by the association and its vendors. These benefits are the features most often promoted for membership and, frankly, are what makes it almost suicidal not to join.

NACHI, through its vendors and through the association, provides benefits to its members.

Would not a trade association, however, go beyond that? You brought the NRA into the mix. Do they not also focus and address issues that affect gun owners beyond their offering of membership benefits

Well, we drifted way off topic. But I’ll finish by saying that my posts above probably sound harsh. If we were just another charge-for-logo-usage, no-entrance-requirement diploma mill association, then perhaps I would agree that we are not so sweet.

The fact of the matter is that InterNACHI is THEE trade association of the inspection industry.

I tell my staff regularly that they are to look at the entire planet earth as InterNACHI member territory. We fully expect to one day soon, be performing 100% of the inspections on this planet… yes ALL of them. All of it is our member’s space. Everything that has to do with the inspection industry anywhere belongs to InterNACHI members. Don’t like that? Join us… or move to Mars.


You have been a member for a short period of time and have no idea what you are talking about.

Those of us who have been here for a while…and who have fought the battles that you don’t even know about…care enough about the association to point out where it can improve.

Some guys quit…then take shots from the outside. Some of us work for change from within.

You have mistaken your need to suck butt to keep your vending job with loyalty to NACHI. Sometimes, being loyal to NACHI means to stand up against certain things that do not work in the best interest of the members.

I have served and taken my knocks for NACHI more times than you ever will. So keep your challenges to yourself.

Nick is my friend. Deal with it.:wink:

Mine too. You deal with that.:wink:

I’m glad we are both pro InterNACHI and working for the same cause.
My post reflect that. What’s the problem?


[quote=Mike Homes]
Mr. Harris No I am not Mike Holmes. My name is speled without a L.


WHERE ON EARTH DID YOU LEARN HOW TO SPELL ? Oh I forgot, you have a “Degree” from Humber:roll: You are so predictable wand, can’t leave NACHI can you?:shock:
Next time try not to be too sophisticated, clearly it doesn’t suit you, and its a dead giveaway that its you!:roll:

“Rudolf, with your square so red,
Someone’s playing with your head.”

From what I have read thus far Jim Bushart is not a vendor, nothing to sell and nothing to lose, but his love for Nachi. On the other hand you have vendors selling their wares while wearing the Nachi hat to line their pockets legitimately. Many associations seem to have both types of members.