Originally Posted By: dfrend This post was automatically imported from our archived forum.
Hey Nick and Chris,
I know this has been asked elsewhere before, but not seen anything yet. Any chance of getting a chat room here? Maybe a room for members only, and something for all? I for one would like to chat real time with some of the folks on here. It is nice to post messages to get them seen by everyone, but wouldn't it be nice to actually conversate with some of the fols and get to know them better. I keep seeing how much growth NACHI is doing, maybe nonmembers meeting some of us would convince them to join too.
Originally Posted By: gbeaumont This post was automatically imported from our archived forum.
Hi Dan,
here’s my 2 pence worth.
I think that a chat room would detract from the message board due to it’s very nature, with the message board members are able to ask questions and get advise on issues related to home inspection, those Q&A’s are then available for ever for users to be able to search on topics that we have previously discussed, that in my opinion is one of the greatest resourses that we have especially for newer members and those looking to joint our industry.
I for one would hate to see that eroded by instant messaging systems or chat rooms.
Originally Posted By: dfrend This post was automatically imported from our archived forum.
I see your point but disagree to an extent. I think most things on the message board would still be posted there. The reason most posts are done is to share something with everyone or ask a question of everyone. Let’s say you want to ask what people think about some weird thing you saw. Would you want to ask a handfull of people who happen to be in the chat room or the entire board. On the board, people can give long answers like my recent posts on hail. In a chat room they can’t. I think most folks here would realize that.
Myself, I would like a chat room just to get together and "chat". I like having the board to post my questions and answer some. Also, you could always give a freindly nudge to anyone in a chat room who had something more appropriate for the board.
Originally Posted By: Chris Morrell This post was automatically imported from our archived forum.
This subject has come up before, and I’ve put some time into it. Unfortunately, I’ve yet to find an acceptable “already built” chat script out there. Programming one would take quite a while, so I’m still keeping an eye out. I expect to have something ready soon. I think that a chat room would give people a place to chat in real time, but I doubt that it would detract from the board very much. A chat room is just that… a place to chat. It’s more likely that people will talk about their favorite microbrewery, best golf game, or worst inspection stories.
So anyway -- I haven't forgotten about this, and I expect to have something running soon. Sorry for the long delay (I still have whooping cough remember ![icon_smile.gif](upload://b6iczyK1ETUUqRUc4PAkX83GF2O.gif) My day starts around noon anymore).
Originally Posted By: Chris Morrell This post was automatically imported from our archived forum.
I’ve thrown something up for the time-being. It’s not pretty, but it works. I’ll be making it a little more user-friendly, and updating its style to reflect the NACHI look, but I thought I’d let people play with it a bit.
Originally Posted By: dfrend This post was automatically imported from our archived forum.
Like I said, I think it would not detract from the board. Anyhow, Chris it looks OK. Wish someone was there for me to chat with. The controls could be a little more user freindly and the background could be prettier, but good start