Originally Posted By: Webmaster This post was automatically imported from our archived forum.
If anyone has a better description for any forum, feel free to send it to me. Specifically the plumbing section (which has no description) and the ancillary section (which has a very minimal description). I generally just throw something up, but I feel it’d be better for active inspectors to highlight what they find most important about each subject.
Originally Posted By: jpeck This post was automatically imported from our archived forum.
I think "Plumbing" pretty much says it all.
As would "Electrical", "HVAC", etc.
There are a few which benefit from the descriptions, like the "Additional Inspection Discussion" and defining "General Inspection Discussion" and "Misc. Discussion" (although this could have been called "General Chit Chat").
Originally Posted By: gbeaumont This post was automatically imported from our archived forum.
Hi to all,
Chris with the advent of the new ancilliary section, would it make sense to rename the "Additional Inspection Discussion" forum as an Enviromental forum, as this is what it now contains.
Originally Posted By: tallen This post was automatically imported from our archived forum.
That's what the ancillary section is for, But I like additional inspection services better as I had to look up ancillary to find out what it meant 
-- I have put the past behind me,
where , however, it now sits, making rude remarks.
Originally Posted By: tallen This post was automatically imported from our archived forum.
Joe, I do not think any forum should be locked out to Members. Except the QOD as if this was open it would undermine the whole point. I think if you want to keep things locked down just start a topic in the members only area ,and this would alleviate the things I think bother you.If forums were locked out for specific people than Russel should be the marketing section and Ron and a few others would be the Mold topics Etc.
As I have said before I am grateful for the info you pass along to us. I also think debate is good even if some people try to confuse the facts. I always argued with other Sparky about code even though it is spelled out in plain gibberish In the NEC
Best regards
-- I have put the past behind me,
where , however, it now sits, making rude remarks.
Originally Posted By: tallen This post was automatically imported from our archived forum.
I meant locked out to new posts. As the QOD is. I don’t think any forum except for the QOD should be locked out to posting new topics for only a selected few.
I would agree that a lot of the questions in the QOD are up for interpretation and that creates discussion or arguments I think that is a good thing as long as the truth be told in the end.
As far as what it takes to be granted special access I do not know.
I do think you should have received some kind of remark or answer when you posted this question to the board.
I would move up the ladder and talk to the Steering comity if you really want to do this as they are the only ones who can effect change.
Well, there is Nick.
Or you could try a poll. From what I have seen if the majority rules it happens , and that is as it should be.
Best Regards,
-- I have put the past behind me,
where , however, it now sits, making rude remarks.
Originally Posted By: Bob Badger This post was automatically imported from our archived forum.
jtedesco wrote:
I would also be willing to take a look the electrical questions and look them over to avoid any hard feelings when there may be something that is questionable
If you do not agree with a post, quote it and point out why it is wrong so there can be open discussion about both points of view.
This is only my opinion, in my time here it appears to me the members are in charge. Perhaps a pole is the best way to see if people want to give you "special access"
That said, why in the world do you feel you should be the judge and jury over what is posted or who is posting it?
That is censorship, I firmly believe that this board is not interested in censorship.
I have been deleted by you at other forums so maybe I am not impartial. 
When someone takes the time to try to help by posting it is a real kick in the pants when the post gets deleted. Not for "flaming" or inappropriate language, but only because you do not agree with the post.
We are all adults here and we can pick and choose who we think is right, wrong or just plain stupid.
Please keep helping NACHI as you have been, you have certainly brought a lot of knowledge to this forum.
Originally Posted By: dbush This post was automatically imported from our archived forum.
The only forum that is locked out to only certain people to post it is the Question of the Day. It is something that I started several months ago and Gerry, being the Education Committee Chairman also has posting rights. We change the topic periodically, it includes electrical questions, heating questions, etc. They are real life questions either based on test questions, or pictures that we have accumulated or had sent to us from members. They are educational from a home inspector stand point because they give real life choices from a normal home inspection.
If the fact that only the two of us have posting ability, or the fact that we are on the only forum that has people locked out bothers the majority of the members, that is fine. I will stop posting them, but until that point, it will remain like it is with only 2 of us having posting authorization and ANYONE can post their response or answer to the question.
Joe, no one that I have spoken to, including Nick, wishes to have any other type of monitored or censored forums. You are more than welcome to start debates on any of the forums that you wish, although, I would prefer that they be kept in the Electrical Forum so that we get the benefit of many different views and opinions.
Originally Posted By: dbush This post was automatically imported from our archived forum.
Joe, since we mix up the topics so that they are not always the same and we try to keep them so that some of our newer inspectors, as well as our veteran inspectors, can answer them or find a place to look them up in most home inspector training courses, email your suggested questions to education@nachi.org for Gerry or membership@nachi.org for me.