CMI Tampa Here We Come

You’re a good soldier, Gerry. You’re just following the wrong platoon leader.:wink:


if you knew me a lot better, you would know I am not into blind obedience. :wink:



I am curious to know how are two NACHI “watchdogs” on this peer review committee run by Hooper are responding to this misrepresentation of our association being sent out by Mike Rowan.

Any thoughts Gerry…Paul?

Do you agree with Joe Michalski that Rowan and Hoopy’s description of NACHI members in this brochure is an accurate depiction?

If this is true, Gerry, did you personally object when Mike had you review his brochure and its bashing of NACHI members? As a Rowan appointee to be the “watchdog” for NACHI members, how do you feel about this brochure and its contents?

Listing the entrance requirements is not bashing - it is relating facts.

As to John’s claim that NACHI does not certify inspectors - they why is it called the National Assocaition of Certified Home Inspectors? That would indicate that it is an association of home inspectors who are certified (by whom? by NACHI!). It is also right on the membership requirements home page that once someone fulfills the entrance requirements, they can advertise themselves as “certified home inspectors” - so you can hardly get on Michael for using that exact same language.

Perhaps by some gromikoan manipulation of truth and the real meaning of words, you may create some scenario where NACHI does not certify inspectors - but in a real world sense, even this website says they do.

Let the record reflect that J Michalski stands with Hooper and Rowan in their regard for NACHI and its members. I am committed to ensure, during the time he remains amongst us, to remind us all whenever appropriate.

But as to Rowan, his biggest mistake in this failed venture was to actually believe that NACHI and its members are as stupid as he published and believed. I speak of him and his plan in the past tense as it seems, with only Michalski left to defend him, the proverbial toilet is about to flush…

I don’t believe I impugned any NACHI members, and hold many in very high regard. I believe the record states (in hundreds of places) that I find much positive in NACHI - mostly in form of the membership and what they have to offer. Like many things, NACHI is not perfect, and there are notable and glaring weaknesses that I consistently work to correct. In fact, that is the primary reason I volunteered for the MAB post.

I know that you are not one to let facts get in the way of your vitriol and rhetoric, but what the record will accurately reflect is that I pointed out that the only items posted were the NACHI entrance requirements, which are facts. If you find that (by comparision) they cast NACHI in a less favorable light, perhaps your issue lies with the requirements, not those who publish them.

I am quite comfortable letting my direct assistance of several NACHI members stand on its own merit.

Mr Michalski,

I have no problem with you personally, but I believe Mr Bowman has
provided some key elements in the NACHI description that would be
more accurate and a more fair commentary IMO.

Also, the fact that Michael list NACHI with an in-part description,
down the list from the preferred ASHI number one spot, and along
with Michael’s direct instructions to hire only ASHI-FAHI inspectors,
is evidence that demands of a verdict. In the slant that Michael
puts forth, he also does not mention that ASHI candidates
are sent into the field to do 250 inspections without ever
being tested or proved for anything, to an unsuspecting populace.

Michael openly endorse ASHI first and foremost, and has only
listed NACHI as a token item with an in-part description… and
then he comes on this forum and shouts GO NACHI!!! Trust me!!!

Below are Mr Bowman’s comments for a more correct NACHI description:

The National Association of Certified Home Inspectors, was formed in 1990 and is the largest trade association in the world. Entrance requirements to be a certified member with NACHI include a psycohmetric validated online examination, completion of several mandatory core subject courses and report review confirmation that the inspector has completed 100 inspections in substantial compliance with NACHI’s Standards of Practice. NACHI also has an entry level working member program whereby inspectors must have completed 4 mock inspections for review purposes by NACHI peers before the new inspector can undertake/complete his first fee paid inspection…

OK, John Mc -

At least we are reaching an understanding separate from the bluster and rhetoric, and that is good.

We can agree then, that Michael’s comments were accurate, if not agressively complete, regarding his description of NACHI. This is a far cry from the accusation of “bashing” that has been thrown around.

We can also agree that Michael did not promote NACHI to the same degree that he promoted the other organizations. Fair enough - but again, hardly NACHI bashing, more like ASHI-promoting.

Regarding the ASHI comment, I don’t think it would have reflected any better on NACHI if he had included "Entrance requirements to be a full member with ASHI include passing a procotored psychometric examination, and report review confirmation that the inspector has completed 250 inspections in substantial compliance with ASHI’s Standards of Practice…"

I guess he could have added that phrase for consistency, but does that really boost NACHI up any?

It is a very small point in an obscure publication and doesn’t belittle NACHI as some would have us believe. If it sought to do so, would it boost NACHI up by recognizing it as the largest association?

This whole episode is becoming another embarrasing example of people’s blind loyalty to an association creating needless and silly in-fighting, while the bigger discussion and a chance to build a more meaningful master designation is being missed.

No doubt - there are some who love the in-fighting and would be lost without it. I am not one of those. I do not begrudge ASHI members anything they have worked for, just as the ASHI members who I am friends with do not begrudge NACHI members anything they have earned and deserve.


You amaze me. Your fence-sitting pontifications are wonderous to us all. Go back to sleep.

Its no secret that John Bowman and I have had our differences in the past months. So, when John reaches out to me after pulling his support for the program, its truly telling. Problem is that you are too busy playing politics.

You sound like Mr. Kimble from an episode of Green Acres. “Well he bashed NACHI. No, not bashed. More like promoted someone else, kinda. No, more like pushed one to the top, and stepped on another, but with soft sneakers. Yeah, we can agree on soft sneakers. Well, not soft sneakers, really. More like penny loafers. Let’s agree on penny loafers.”

Your primary response to every point is “it’s no big deal”…
so lets move forward with the following agenda…

breaking promises… lies… published false statements… people
who paid money will loose what they paid for… canceling
inspector CE’s that are based on home inspections… creating
new income streams by breaking promises… promoting another
association while pretending to promote NACHI… causing
present vendors to loose money they have invested in CE’s…
by-passing the current CMI members and board while saying
nice things… hiding agenda’s… embracing Hoopy aliens…

If someone did this to YOU… you would not be saying…
“it’s no big deal… it will turn out for good” - “Lets be nice”.

Give me $20… I’ll pay you back the second tuesday
of next week… hey, it’s no big deal Buddy.

Some people enjoy seeing it from the more noble
platform of the non-judgmental view… all the while
they know it would be World War III if it happened
to them. They feel superior while not feeling the
pain of those being betrayed… hey, but at least they
look noble and intelligent.

Some things are right and some things are wrong.
There is a right way to improve things and this
is not how it’s done.

Let’s not be so hard on Mr. Kimble…

Jeff Pope…92 votes
Mr. Kimble…22 votes
J. Michalski…17 votes

James again the fact that you refer to people by there last name shows what kind of ignorant person you are

Sorry, Pennick. I’ll try to do better.:wink:

Way to go, John.

You are old, Joe. I have never seen Green Acres.

I am pointing out the unemotional truth in the face of blustering, inaccurate rhetoric. That isn’t “playing politics”, it is just correcting the facts.


OK - so we are back to the point that Michael (a known previous?ASHI chapter president) promoted ASHI. What a shock. Get out…really?

And yet, knowing that, Nick still hand selected him.

Don’t you find it at all curious that Nick can find the time to post about the locaton of his start menu on his computer, yet will not personally weigh in on this discussion in support of his lockstep sycophants, Joe and James?

No…but I find it curious that, as you have been holding this moronic conversation with yourself on this thread, Jeff Pope has received seven more votes for Member of the Year. Could there be a connection?:wink: