Originally Posted By: jtedesco This post was automatically imported from our archived forum.
Mike Parks wrote:
Just simply address it as as 'safety' issue .
PS I wish that NFPA 73 was enforced.
Mike P.
Thanks Mike, "Safety Issue" is less of a code term, although what the HI is doing during an inspection is similar to someone who enforces a code in a jurisdiction.
I applied to get onto the NFPA 73 Committee as a representative of NACHI and had the full OK from Nick, but never did receive the letter of support I was supposed to receive from him that was to submitted to the NFPA.
That would have put someone on that committee for the first time representing NACHI.
NFPA 73 will be revised soon and should be a better document.
Originally Posted By: joetedesco This post was automatically imported from our archived forum.
I just remembered that one item in this publication has to do will receptacle tension testing, seems like a good candidate for the HI.
I sent a Proposal in a few years ago to the NEC and it was not accepted, however in a Hospital that is a specific issue and is part of some other rules in another standard.
Originally Posted By: joetedesco This post was automatically imported from our archived forum.
I asked because I will be next door at a seminar on 11/21/05.
If you are there I may sneak up behind you with my camera, and see if I can snap a picture of you doing something so I can post it in EC&M.
I wouldn't dare look for anything bad ..... 
I can show you some of that stuff between buildings. The rooms in the hotel have lamps with 3 wire cords like on an appliance, I guess that FM wanted to be sure they would not be criticized. I really like their training facilities and especially the restaurant and the breaks, all you can eat!! Ho Ho Ho!
Originally Posted By: joetedesco This post was automatically imported from our archived forum.
Yes, when we talked about that before I assumed that it was in Norwood since they are doing some remodling there. 
I stll would look for a good close high resolution picture from you with an installation of, or correction of, something electrical.