Originally Posted By: dharris This post was automatically imported from our archived forum.
Memoryize them, reguardless of whose code they are
it will help you identify a defect that you may have overlooked with out that knoweldge
Granted we don't quote code or perform code inspections
Code items that we are exposed to are most likley safety concern items
A saying a old timer inspector here uses is
]If little johnny gets hurt you better have addressed it reguardless if it was required when the home was built]
kinda/ sorta like the mcdondalds lady sueing mcdonalds after getting burned cause she wasn't informed the coffee is hot and can burn if spilled
Originally Posted By: gbeaumont This post was automatically imported from our archived forum.
Hi to all,
I have to agree with Dan, the code check seriesis a must have. in fact i keep one copy in the car and another in my desk, just would not think about doing business without them.
Jeff, if you don't have them Dave Bush carries them in stock for members at a great discount e-mail him on membership@nachi.org for pricing.
Originally Posted By: Guest This post was automatically imported from our archived forum.
Don’t be fooled!!
The Code Check Series was written almost exclusively by ASHI members. Between the valuable bits of information on each page are subliminal messages extolling ASHI's supposed virtues. Eventually, the reader is distracted by the comical Ben Franklin cartoons, overcome by the messages, and applies for membership. I never thought I'd see the day, but it seems they've gotten to Beaumont too.
Any deprogrammers out there? I think it's time for an intervention!
Originally Posted By: gbeaumont This post was automatically imported from our archived forum.
hi to all,
Too funny Jim, but you are correct we have to censor every copy before we send it out 
I am also told that if you play the CD version backwards at 78 rpm you can here a litle New England voice murmering "Ashi is King, down with Nachi" wouldn't know anything about tat would you ??