Code of Conduct

Originally Posted By: Ben Gromicko
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Joe Myers,

Recently I’ve been asked by realtors (in their words), “Do you know this A. N. Inspection guy? Joe?” Your marketing must be getting around. That’s great. How’s business?

The company response to that kind of question is similar for most questions concerning other NACHI Members that I know. The response goes something like...
"You are referring to Joe Myers. Good inspector. He uses digital cameras, and he prints the inspection report on-site like we do. I worked with him for a while. Nice guy." (with a smile on my face.) ![icon_smile.gif](upload://b6iczyK1ETUUqRUc4PAkX83GF2O.gif)

My response is neutral. I'm neither an advertisement nor a critic, in response to those types of questions concerning other inspectors. Indifferent. Respectful. ![icon_smile.gif](upload://b6iczyK1ETUUqRUc4PAkX83GF2O.gif)

On questions about home inspectors that I know, who are not very good inspectors and should find some other profession, my conduct is the about the same; although my response may be shorter. Something like... "I don't know much about that company." I basically keep my mouth shut. If I don't have anything good to say, I don't say much.

I propose that NACHI Members form and adopt a Code of Conduct, with respect to one another. And add it to the current NACHI Code of Conduct.
To all NACHI Members: How do you all handle questions about other inspectors that are posed by realtors? What is your behavior? Your language? How do you conduct yourself, phrase your responses, choose what to say when your competition is not around? What is your code of conduct?

Currently the NACHI Code of Conduct does not address this issue. Should it?

Benjamin John Gromicko
PEACH Inspections

Originally Posted By: jfarsetta
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While I can appreciate your thoughts, I respectfully disagree with your suggestion. We live in a free and open society. NACHI is an org which helps the HI industry and serves its membership in the best ways possible. It is also important to realize that we live in a imperfect world, with imperfect people. Everyone has and does his or her own thing. Other folks may not like it, but that what helps make this country the greatest on Earth. So long as our condust falls within the confines of the law, there is little that can be done to control others actions.

Controlling the way people think and speak is also against what most of us hold as near and dear. While we are prohibited by law from shouting "Fire!" in a crowder theater, we are guaranteed our constitutional rights to free speach. What you suggest can quickly expand to limit free speach. An organization restricting free speach, via a Code of Conduct comes dangerously close to violation of that inalienable right.

We may not like what others say or do, and we have the right to express those opinions. Any damage which may result from such speach, can be assessed via remedies available in law or equity. This is also a right.

To my point, if NACHI goes down this slippery slope, who knows where it may lead. Our Code of Conduct should deal with our compentency and business ethics. That is all.

To finish, I'll leave you with this thought... If asked to testify as an expert witness against another HI, how would/could you do so without violating the Code of Conduct you have envisioned? After all, we are simply rendering an opinion as to the work/competency of another Inspector...

Joe Farsetta

PS: What HAVE you heard about that Myers guy?! ![icon_wink.gif](upload://ssT9V5t45yjlgXqiFRXL04eXtqw.gif) ...

Originally Posted By: jremas
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Limited to business ethics? Yes, part of business ethics is the how we deal with each other in the public forum, including real estate agents. Therefore, I agree with Ben that we should have some limited language on this subject. First of all, it should address FACTS, not opinion or hearsay. We must be as unified and positive about each other so as not to show any dissenstion amongst the ranks of NACHI members. NACHI can and should police itself to eliminate unethical or non-complient members. Although freedom speech is part of our rights, common business sense should prevail. Keep the negative attitude towards competition to a minimum unless there are documented facts to back them up. Just my opinion (my right).

Originally Posted By: Nick Gromicko
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Be nice to your fellow NACHI member/competitor in public…then trash them on the message board. No blood, no foul. Nick

Originally Posted By: jmyers
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In my humble opinion…you should never bad mouth a fellow inspector or anyone else in the presense of your agents or clients, this is just makes good business sense.

We are not judges, juries or executioners.

Those that overstep those boudaries are certain to find themselves unemployed or worse, in court.

And DA*ITT would everyone stop talking about ears won't stop ringing..... ![icon_smile.gif](upload://b6iczyK1ETUUqRUc4PAkX83GF2O.gif)

Thanks for the compliment Dan....Now if I could just get a few of them to use me!

Me thinks if we start policing ourselves...there is great potential to do more harm than good. After all, remember that inspection you just took away from John he is gonna get you, even if it destroys him...or!

I say our fearless leader should investigate all complaints of wrong doing. He will probably only make me buy him lunch at Rocco's anyway....I mean the guilty party will only have to buy him lunch at Rocco's anyway......

Joe Myers

Originally Posted By: jfarsetta
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I agree with the notion of politeness. I agree with the notion of holding your tounge. I agree with the notion of watching how we present ourselves to our clients and RE agents. These concepts are good, so don’t get me wrong. Limiting someone’s free speech as a condition of mambership, especially in a trade association or Not For Profit is another. Yes we can put it in our Code, as a general principal. If someone is targeting a specific HI or company, slandering an individual, or otherwise acting as if they are speaking for NACHI, then we, as members, should lodge a complaint. Once you write this concept as a hard and fast rule, however, everything is subject to interpretation. Most of the feedback in the way of “badmouthing” will come as heresay. It is difficult to prove a negative.


Joe M,

If someone came to you and told you that I said your inspections were completed too quickly, you might think I was insinuating that I thought you were glossing over things (ie: a schlock inspector). Now, maybe I was, and maybe I wasn't. Maybe my inspections take 5 hours because I'm slow. Maybe I'm trying to convince a realtor who used me, and who is angry at my slowness, not to use you again. Or, maybe she threatened not to use me again, and threw your quickness in my face. Or, maybe I never said it at all...

How would I prove or disprove anything? Now, NACHI's Code of Conduct comes into play. A complaint is lodged. Am I guilty or not? The realtor supports you, or maybe he/she doesnt; for EITHER side. Your complaint is unfounded and dismissed. But now, because you lodged a complaint, you have somehow damaged me. It's like a malicious prosecution. Maybe its YOU who dont like my style. Maybe as the new guy on the block, I took away 50% of your business in the last 3 months. MAybe you dated my sister. I don't know... Now, the shoe's on the other foot. So, do I go after you?

A dangerous precedent, indeed. Remember litigation... and our constitutional rights...

And FOR THE RECORD, Joe Myers does a very thorough inspection. My comments were illustrative, and nothing more...

Joe F

Originally Posted By: Nick Gromicko
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I have two sons. Age 10 and age 13. In public I ask them to behave and act like gentlemen. At home they can wrestle, sometimes with me included. This message board (unlike inspectionews) is for wrestlling. Boys will be boys. As for any new policies or changes to the code, I think Joe F. is best at formulating these. Then we can all wrestle with them on the message board. They will be better if we all contribute. Roy Rogers once said something about the “public should never see laws or sausage being made.” Luckily the general public is unlikely going to frequent our message board.


P.S. I love to watch Dan K. and Joe M. have at it. I feel like I should pay a cover charge though.

Originally Posted By: jmyers
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How much is it worth to you?

Joe Myers

Originally Posted By: jremas
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Joe is right, it would be hard to enforce amongst ourselves, but we should leave the dirt out of the public’s eye. This forum IS in the public eye so we should watch our behavior here too. Remember “If you don’t have anything nice to say about someone, the don’t say anything at all”

Originally Posted By: jfarsetta
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Well put...

Originally Posted By: jmyers
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I agree with Jeff and Joe F. If you have nothing good to say then say nothing.

Besides I have the dirt on everyone! ![icon_razz.gif](upload://rytL63tLPMQHkufGmMVcuHnsuWJ.gif)

Joe Myers

Originally Posted By: WILLIE
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Nick, are you sure that wasn’t WILL Rogers?

This Ole House-Home Inspections Serving the Texas Coastal Bend out of Rockport Texas

Originally Posted By: Nick Gromicko
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I think you are right. Both Roy and Will were before my time (a little before).


Originally Posted By: rray
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Someone also once said, “When everyone thinks the same, no one is thinking.” That’s what I like about NACHI. We all get to think.

Home inspections. . . .

One home at a time.

Originally Posted By: jmyers
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I will let you know that I did not believe them for one minute when they told me you are dumb. I can attest to whoever said that, before you that is, is one smart cookie. What the heck, if you don't know who said it, it must have been me! ![icon_biggrin.gif](upload://iKNGSw3qcRIEmXySa8gItY6Gczg.gif)

Joe Myers