Coming soon... free Certified Master Inspector caps.

What the very best of the best inspectors are wearing. Coming soon.



Terrific hat.
When do we order ?

David Verge. CMI

When do we get the cape to go with it! Just kidding, LOL

Charlie will not be impressed with the colour…

Make me one like this. :mrgreen:

I prefer the cape Joseph as it has been proven to be much easier to get onto roofs. LOL
Jet pack might just be a little out of reach for my budget.

Nice hat! :slight_smile:
Thanks Nick

Just got an actual proof in today. They are very high quality. I’ll post a way to order them next week.

Now your talking Nick! Registered trade mark of the CMI on the cap.

Nick, maybe a hat, wind breaker and checklist in matching colors. A lawn sign
might go over well also.
Just thinking out loud.

Joe, whats you doing with Ted Zigler’s (Johnny Jelly Bean) hat?

Robert, I think Johnny Jelly Bean and his squak box were only a Montreal phenomenon.

Very nice hat to go with my flashlight…

Order now:

I have been wearing a logo on my hat for 3 years now. Finally a cap that says it all in 3 words.

Thanks Nick.


Thanks for the NEW cap. It was in the mail today.

Hey Buck! Do us a favor and let us see what you look like when you head out to Inspections. I am going to do the same when I receive my Cap.
I will provide one with the CMI cap and then one with my Hard Hat all ready to go.

Nice. Quality is very good IMHO.