Confused about certification in PA

Hi guys, I’m a non member but only for a few more days. I am hoping someone would be kind enough to help me out on this. I need 100 paid inspections to get certified but I can’t do inspections in my state until I’m certified. Feel like I’m taking crazy pills here…what am I not understanding. I’ve been a building contractor for 25 years and a licensed Radon mitigation contractor.

Any input would be appreciated

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And, welcome to our forum, Ronald!..Enjoy! :smile:

Thanks larry, that’s where it says I need to have preformed 100 inspections to get certified…but I can’t do inspections until I’m certified…it’s a circular reference…catch 22

I just don’t understand

Ronald, contact some CMIs or CPIs within 40 to 50 miles, or closer, to your area and communicate with them. Maybe one, or more, will help you. Some inspectors feel as though they are training their competition by ride-alongs or mentoring or hiring.

Here is the link for CMIs: Find a Certified Master Inspector®

And the link for CPIs: Find Certified Home Inspectors Near You - InterNACHI®

And Mentors: Home Inspector Mentoring - InterNACHI®

Also, you may want to take advantage of your Education Team at for specific questions e.g. 15 Steps to Become a Successful Home Inspector - InterNACHI® and InterNACHI® Master Class for Home Inspectors .