Pennsylvania Home Inspection, Getting Started

In the state of PA you must be a full member of a national organization. But also implies to be a full member you must have submitted a list of 100 inspections addresses (you performed / rode along with) to your organization. What’s the best way about doing this. I want to get into the industry and I want to do it the right way. I want to start doing some of the classes, but I don’t want to commit to spending any money unless I have everything lined up. Any help or advice would be much appreciated.

You have to join first before anything happens.


Jeff, contact some CMIs or CPIs within 40 to 50 miles, or closer, to your area and communicate with them. Maybe one, or more, will help you. Some inspectors feel as though they are training their competition by ride-alongs or mentoring or hiring.

Here is the link for CMIs: Find a Certified Master Inspector®

And the link for CPIs: Find Certified Home Inspectors Near You - InterNACHI®

And Mentors: Home Inspector Mentoring - InterNACHI® and

Also, you may want to take advantage of your Education Team at for specific questions e.g. 15 Steps to Become a Successful Home Inspector - InterNACHI® and InterNACHI® Master Class for Home Inspectors .

And there is the Helpful How-To Videos - InterNACHI® for many other things.

P.S. Welcome to our forum. Enjoy!


Seems like you are not the only one having questions/trouble getting the 100 ride-alongs in PA. I still think 100 is ridiculous.


7506(3) supervised by a full member in good standing of a national home inspection association who agrees to be responsible for the home inspection report by signing the report.

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Thank you for the information, it was very helpful!

Thank you for the information, found it to be very helpful, simplifies things a bit.

Thanks for all the information! Helps narrow down what I need to do now.

Thanks for the advice!