Originally Posted By: rcooke
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Some are telling that NACHI is not a good group to belong to in Canada.
Fortunately we have the NACHI site that many CAHPI members do read to find the truth .
Unfortunately there are a few who try to make NACHI look bad .
This is the only place that allows all to voice their opinions good or bad .
Unfortunately CAHPI has closed down their web site so you can not post questions or ask for information . (http://www.cahpi.ca/) message board.
The OAHI message board is only open to members .
The Canuck board is only open to members who do not question the Owners . If you challenge their authority you are removed .
This has led to not asking the questions that need to be answered.
They state the NACHI exam is too simple and any one can pass with a bit of help and that it is a farce.
Well in fairness they do not tell you that to join any CAHPI association in Canada there is no exam.
Just pay your money become a member (http://www.oahi.com/inspectors/m-membership.asp)
Send in $375.50 and you are now a Member of OAHI and they now expect you to go and do inspections so you can take their courses
(http://www.oahi.com/public/baseline.asp) 8 of them at $395.00 each
(http://www.oahi.com/inspectors/m-courseinfo.asp) they also sell a huge amount of information packages at $26.75 each.
They do not tell you that most courses are in Toronto area and if you come from out of town your cost can double or more to take the courses with transportation and hotel rooms . Also factor in how many inspections you can loose with being away for up too four days per course.
They never tell that the drop out rate is in the high 90% of those who start. In 1994 they received (http://www.oahi.com/public/abouttheoahi.asp) they had approximately 100 members (RHI) they now have just over (200) they seem to control the membership increase to about 10 a year ( Almost a closed society )
This is the Group that is trying to take control of the inspection industry in Canada .
They say QUOTE " that if you wish to do inspections you will have to join the local CAHPI association "
I am not against regulations for Home inspectors but feel all active Home inspectors should have some say in their ability to continue to make a living in their chosen profession.
Roy Cooke sr a happy NACHI Member Royshomeinspection.com
I welcome all questions and thoughts Thanks Rcooke@canada.com
Where's MY Puppie