Originally Posted By: eschwartz This post was automatically imported from our archived forum.
Pretty much what ddivito says. Let me confuse things.
Here in the wet NW we call the joist that is bolted to the house a ledger. Typically the ledger is bolted to the rim-joist of the house and the only thing between the ledger and the rim-joist is sheathing and air-barrier (tyvec or tar-paper). Flashing must be put on top of the ledger but behind the siding that is above the ledger. With this done, the ledger acts like another course of siding.....it sheds water.
Originally Posted By: lkage This post was automatically imported from our archived forum.
eschwartz wrote:
Here in the wet NW we call the joist that is bolted to the house a ledger. Typically the ledger is bolted to the rim-joist of the house and the only thing between the ledger and the rim-joist is sheathing and air-barrier (tyvec or tar-paper). Flashing must be put on top of the ledger but behind the siding that is above the ledger. With this done, the ledger acts like another course of siding.....it sheds water.
No flashing = problem.
Good explanation Ed.
-- "I have never met a man so ignorant that I couldn't learn something from him."
Galileo Galilei