I find about 85% of decks have many serious concerns .
Every body is and expert NOT! .
Builders are just about as bad as Home Owners .
Write hard talk soft miss nothing .
The tougher thing is the fix… you would be incorrect IMO in nailing TICO’s where the original roofing nails were, the fact that a hole is present prior to the installation of a TICO would diminish some of the fastener’s rating.
It may be that a different, but approved LUS/HUS or similar hanger should be used so as the proper fasteners can be nailed in place. A different, but approved hanger may have a different nail pattern and allow for the fasteners to be applied in a virgin surface.
Good point Mr.Hann.
That is a good point. I do not even think of the other screws anymore I just look for what I have been using for many years now.