Nick and I are putting together what you might call a library of defect photos, a highly-organized, extensive library of photos covering all the home systems. Each photo will have a multiple choice quiz. It will be available on the InterNACHI website as a reference for those needing help in identifying what they find during inspections, or wondering what to say about a condition they find. All photos will be credited.
In addition to an explanation of the condition(s) shown, subject photos will also include a narrative example suggesting how an inspector might comment on the condition in an inspection report, and with some, illustrations or photos will be included that help make the point more clearly or show conditions that are related, yet different.
I have tons of roof photos, although if you have something unusual please send it along. Otherwise, we need good, clear photos of problems in all the home systems and their major components, including those that might not be common all over North America, like indications of buried oil tanks, photos taken on inspections of historic homes, or photos related to requirements unique to areas subject to seismic activity. Photos of conditions that are easy to miss are especially good.
If you have information or an explanation about a photo you send- particularly if the cause of the deficiency shown [FONT="]might not be obvious to newer inspectors, please include them. Support photos [FONT="]will be helpful too. For example, if you ha[FONT="]d an attic photo of roof framing in such bad condition that it might collapse when walked, but it looked fine from [FONT="]the outside, [FONT="]being able to show both photos would help make [FONT="]the point.[/FONT][/FONT] [/FONT] [/FONT]
High resolution is better than low resolution for this project. We can use anything 640x480 or bigger.
This is a major project that we expect will be very beneficial to inspectors. Thanks for your help!
Please send [FONT="]photos, permission for use, and any [FONT="]additional information[/FONT] to:
This sounds great Kenton, I’m training a friend to become an inspector right now, and one of the things he finds most valuable is going over photos from my inspections.
I’ll be sending some along.
(Neil DeGaris, CMI KY License # 102167)
What is the time frame for submitting the photo’s?
Thanks guys!
We don’t really have a set deadline, but I’m guessing several months.
Our immediate goal is 1000 photos. Right now we’re at 100 and I’m still in the roof folders, but I spent a couple of years walking around photographing roofs for the roof courses. I have a pretty good number of photos saved from my inspections, but it’s practically nothing in comparison to what our members have.
Got a question along the same line. Although I now use PowerPoint in my home inspector training classes … FOR about the 1st twelve years after we started our training school, we took pics … had them converted to slides and showed slides during our classes. Just got to looking the other day and I think we have at least 20-25 Kodak Carousal Trays (some 80 slides / some 140) of inspection defects.
One tray might be all electrical; another tray all heating; one tray shows commercial defects; one tray might show a panelized house OR 4-plex being lifted into place section by section; etc; etc.
Where is a good place to have these converted to dvd’s with nice labels, etc to sell.
Are are a lot of photos of common, obvious defects out there. The hard part is finding photos of unusual things or things that some inspectors won’t understand or know what to say about them. Like this panel with one service drop, but with conductors splitting off at the meter to two separate disconnects in a single panel, with one controlling another panel.
Still trying to figure out what to say about this one. Posting in Electrical.
Some defects are just old hat that you and I see every day, but still fun to look at and some of the new guys get awed trying to figure out if really serious Or just looking weird.