Dishwasher Drain Termination

First time I’ve encountered this situation. Relatively “new” dishwasher installed ( past 7 years or so) that was located adjacent to the kitchen sink. I noticed that the drain was not connected to the sink drain and thought stand pipe or something out of the ordinary.

In the crawl space, I came across the DW drain pipe connected to other DW drain pipes.

WTH!! Followed it and found the discharge… :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes: :crazy_face:


why would somebody do that ???

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Keeps the grass green or in this case the dirt wet.


Probably they have a failing septic system.


WTF is that?
Martin, do you still need the high loop?

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I believe that is the alternative Low Loop …


Lets just say that this is one of those “special” houses we inspect. I’ve plenty of “inspector memes” pics on this house… :rofl:


Why not, let that water go through a roller coaster ride before dumping into the yard.


Agreed, I’ve seen dishwashers that discharge to the backyard due to septic issues.


No septic issues on this house.

Ok…on the same house and a question for Newbies and those still learning.

This is a single vanity sink drain located in an upstairs half bath. Can you identify any issues and how would you write them up?


Thomas where the hell do you live where this crap goes on :rofl:

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Northeast Jawja in the Mountains. Believe me, it’s not always like this but this one was a doozie…


Hey its got running water, what’s the problem?


No heat. Central system previously installed. All gone except the duct work. Two free standing propane units that didn’t work in place of where wood burning stoves were. And that’s even another story in it’s self…

No trap, PVC supply piping and exposed PVC pipes to the elements which could easily be damaged?? That’s all I could come up with. I’m just trying to make sense of what kind of contraption this lavatory is built on… Is that a chair lol

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Actually it’s a free standing, double door cabinet with a single sink vanity mounted on top. Looked like an Ikea special because the legs were mounted backwards.

I think your plumbing observation is pretty close… :wink:

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Close Scott, but it was enclosed, double door and not as wide,SAY IKEA!!

Would definitely be interested in hearing what else is wrong, maybe someone else can get it.