Seems to me that the uplift is placed on the nails going into the top plate rather than on the actual clip…your thoughts??
In regards to ‘clips’ it meets of the language of the B1-1802.
- Roof to Wall Attachment:
Minimal conditions to qualify for categories B, C, or D. All visible metal connectors are:
Secured to truss/rafter with a minimum of three (3) nails, and
Attached to the wall top plate of the wall framing…
B. Clips
Metal connectors that do not wrap over the top of the truss/rafter
Of course these ‘clips’ do not look conventional nor does it appear that they have a part number you can reference to see what they were designed for.
Engineering aside, to me they meet the intent of the form.
Hey, let us know if you get feedback from the insurance underwriter.
Looks like it is attached greater than a 1/2 inch away to me. Another possible issue.
Good grief guys…that clip is NOT installed correctly. It has very little uplift value nailed into the top of the wall plate. It would be “Other” for me.
Sorry Charlie B :D:cool: