Does your home inspector offer sewer line protection

You’re right Jeff, and if you read my posts I only asked a few very simple and important questions, then it was Nathan that started his typical unprofessional attitude towards me and because I pledged the CFP pledge. I never started with him, HE started the BS once again.

Now that you (for whatever reason) feel the need to continue with some type of blame here, I need to clear another thing up.

I never once said anything about any of his products in fact some of them are actually valuable which is why some of us have found other ways to offer these to our clients for Free and in a way that we do not have to sell or release our clients information. That is what Nathan does not like.

If this sewer insurance pans out to be something worthwhile and valuable and deemed to be useful to a home inspector, I perhaps would be interested in such a product. I would be willing to pay cash for such a policy to add to my arsenal of USP’s. But under no circumstances would I compromise my Professional integrity and Ethics and sell my clients private information for this or any other product. Like I said, if it were worth it, I would pay cash for it,.

That’s Just me and my way.


Don’t get me wrong Jim, I’m not pushing any blame off on you or anyone else. I’m simply trying to help keep things in perspective. The product may be viable, but you dislike the vendor. Is that an accurate account?

Well let’s just get into insuring for all losses a potential home buyer may suffer.

Who cares about inspecting?

Let’s sell insurance. :sarcasm:

:roll: :roll: :roll:

No not at all Jeff. If the insurance does not cover the loss 100% then in my opinion it is useless to the client, as is a warranty that has severe limits. FYI I got that info from Nick directly. He informed me these warranties are useless to the client, but may add some marketing value to the inspector. I personally values what Nick tells me regarding such matters.

When the thread started I nor anyone except maybe juan who was behind such a product. For all we new is Juan made a deal with the local utility co in his area.

Now that the cat is out of the bag I will say Yes I do not like Nathan. I never used to have a personal thing against him even if I didn’t like his smear tactic way of marketing, in fact I even used his services at 1 time, and man he was all friendly back then.

Then cam the day he lowered himself even more and started latently stating false accusations, Lies and defaming me and others in public. That crossed a line, So yes I do not like the little kid. But that has nothing to do with the fact that I think this is another gimmick and should NOT ne anything a home inspector gets involved in.

I don’t sell insurance for things in my clients homes as you choose not to either, but I also do not lie about those that choose to or call them names, or defame them.


I don’t think he will post it because he cant. I am pretty sure
Juan Jimenez of A House on a Rock Home Inspections is Not a Certified Home Inspector in The state of Virginia. If I am wrong I apologize, but if I am correct he owes me an apology for saying I lied about him which I would never do intentionally.

OH Juan this is what it looks like. Also notice the little card size one on the bottom, that is to carry with you in your wallet so you can show a client , realtor, builder or whomever wants to know iof you are Certified by the state in Home Inspections.


Jim, does Virginia have an online listing of all Certified Inspectors, so Juan can post a link to it, just in case he doesn’t wish to post his hard copy for his own protection (personal information) even though he feels it is fine to share his clients personal information with third party vendors???

I am not sure? They as so screwy over there. Heck remember I proved it was They who called it a “License” on my renewal form which is why I copied and pasted it on my sig and got called a liar from Juan and a few other clowns here.

As far as the personal info goes, all that info is public anyway (but I did just black it out) if anyone wants to come to the office I welcome it and they should call first so I can set up a little party…LOL I know Maryland has all licensed inspectors names and addresses online for the public. I will check on VA.


Yeah, there is a lot of that around here.

Funny how often it involves you and something you said?

I I gave my opinion and nothing more. I am not referring to a $5000 claim getting paid. I am referring to the 10k, 50k 100k+ claim that would wipe out most inspectors or seriously put a damper on them.
What is the benefit to the inspector vs the catastrophic risks? what maybe a few extra inspections in their lifetime?

I simply asked a few times for the terms and limitations and you will not post them. Even Nick posted earlier that he would like to see more info. Why aren’t you attacking him? (you don’t really need to answer that one as I could care less really)

Rather than answer some bvery valid questions you choose to attack me yet again. Why not be a professional. Show us how it works, how it is a benefit to inspectors, show us how the benefits outweigh the risks, show us why it should even be apart of a home inspection etc… do what a professional salesman should do instead of attempting to divert things away from that and attack me with useless junk.

I will take bets that the coverage has some huge limitations, and are not worth the potential risks for a home inspector vs the rewards.<< Prove me wrong.

Why don’t you tell us what they are, along with the terms if you are so sure this is the next greatest thing? Come on we are waiting?

OH and while we are on the subject, just how does a client of your get to offer this insurance plan to their clients? Do they Pay you for it so they then turn around as an insurance broker to their clients? or perhaps you sell it to them for their clients private information?

I really don’t have a clue about this, could you please enlighten us?

Thanks you graciously for your assistance and cooperation in this request.


Where did you go Juan? You opened your mouth and called me a liar. I am simply saying prove it kid. How about it??

OH yeah Juan The Virginia DPOR does have a Look up site License Lookup | Virginia Department of Professional and Occupational Regulation

I didn’t see you listed there? or your other buddies I will leave them out of this now since they didn’t claim a LIE as you did. Well Brad maybe did back a few months ago?? hummmLOL

OH yeah and also for all you **** you wanted to start with your buddies Brad, Nate etc…
Well here you go right on the Virginia License Look up “Search License Records and Complaint History”
I was NEVER lying whatsoever, so FU to all of you.

OK now Juan since you got me started and a few of my very close friends on the board. One of them just discovered that you are a Lyar and are Lying to your clients, agents and anyone reading your website. Also you are in violation of the Virginia DPOR. Here is a little message from a good friend watching my back:

“Mr. Jimenez is not certified/licensed by the Virginia DPOR. The Virginia DPOR also does not allow the use of the term “Certified Home Inspector” or “Certified Home Inspection” in any form or abstract unless the person is certified by the DPOR. Yet on Jimenez’s site he recurring uses the title “Certified Home Inspector” over and over. DPOR does not recognize it to be used validly even if some other organization issued the certification since they, DPOR, did not.”

Now Juan we can continue as there is More, MUCH more but I will let you decide youngster?



Jim, do me a favor an unbunch your panties. Virginia has a VOLUNTARY certification. You know who has a better code of ethics and SOP? InterNachi does. I’m the one who pointed out that you were using “licensed” in your sig line. I did it because I was being nice, and I thought you wanted to have an accurate sig line. Ignore Juan, you boys are on two different paths. Why do you feel the need to tell us to F off? Peace and love, peace and love.

Hey Jim, you forgot me.

I am not certified by the Commonwealth of Virginia and have no plans to be unless it is forced down my throat.

You feel free to pay a tax to do your job here, I pay enough in taxes already. Paying another tax to the Commonwealth will not make me a better inspector.

Why don’t you just worry about yourself there cupcake :wink:

Some of you guys are the reason why our industry is the way it is! You guys think you are politicians looking for ways to control and bash every action that could be something positive for our industry just bc your bank account is not gaining anything from it that is the only logical reason we have for your actions. You guys focus on BS and are always looking for ways to bash the guys next door or next to you, trying to think outside of the box. You guys should direct all that energy into focusing on ways to improve our industry not bash each other. Over the years of reading your postings, we have never read something that does not say in between the lines ME, ME, ME! which is very selfish in your part. We have read thousand of posting and it seems like the same … People Are posting nothing positive to the cost. Listen does it affect you? Is this coming from your pocket? Should the program fail are you going to be the one to loose money? We Don’t Think So if you choose to not be part of if right!! So just STOP! You go and post here to ask questions as if liability is your concern, if so go ahead and ask the one who will defend you in court!!! Your Atturney!!! Who cares what you TEA PARTY thinks at the end of the day they are not going to defend you in court! It appears that some of you have way to much time in your hands, since you don’t waist anytime to bash and once again attempt to make him and what he does look really bad by trying to bring policy/sop into the mix. To make matter worse at times with little to no FULL knowledge of how and what the programs are about. LISTEN and this to everyone and come from many of us who mean it! STOP behaving like your children’s, just bc it was not your idea or bc you don’t want to be part of a trend it does not give you the God given right to make it your life mission to give hell no matter what! As if the world does not have enough selfish … To go around. Our industry needs more positive input and NOT ALL OF YOUR LITTLE KIDS BS… Behavior.
For your ignorants information --Septic systems are not included. Only sewer lines going to the property to the city sewers and water lines from the property to the water meter are covered which it was made very clear by the vendor when questioned. Grow up guys learn to be a better person, humans, fellow inspector, by bringing positiveness to our industry…

5 pages of the usual BS. Although quite a few persons who have my respect have posted here, only ONE actually hits home with no-nonsense logic.
As I’ve stated here over and over since 2005, if you want to learn, follow the post’s of Jeff Pope.

Well said

Nice try Brad, but in the other thread it was you that started calling me a liar. I proved it then and I just showed all of you again just tonight the link to the VA License Look up site and they call it right there LICENSE.

SO yes FU and all you **** bags Tried to Defame me for a mistake, but that was really the mistake of Virginia Not me. It has caused me some damages and yup this is not the end at all, but just the beginning.

Oh yeah Peace and love, but most of all Good Health.


Troy, I will keep this short with you. I could care less what you do. Oh just don’t say on your site you are a Certified inspector, that is not allowed.

Anyway You never attacked me and tried that Bull about me not being licensed in VA simply to defame me in public as the other 3 amigos did. For that I have respect for you and as we may disagree sometimes you keep it professional with no Defaming comments.

No issues with you.

Peace and Health to you and your family.


Ahhhh “Blowhard” ? FU …LOL
“Such a Loss”, well I guess Thanks dude;)

No matter what you say, Peace and Good Health to you and your family.
