This is one of three double taped sub panels the Power company TECO did.
I thought they were energy savers but not by the way they wired. Surge protectors? And wouldn’t the power company know better than to double tap.
It appears to be an energy management system hooked to an AC disconnect. The utility can cycle off AC units during peak demands. The homeowner gets credit on their bill everytime it cycles.
Randall- it is an AC disconnect. How can it cycle off the unit if it’s tapped on the load end of the circuit? Only the breaker or the pull out can manage the energy correct?
I guess I need to understand how they work.
They use the control circuit, not the AC power side.
See the lo-vo wire out the bottom going to the A/C unit?
That appears to be a lightning surge protector, gentlemen.
I doubt it is a lightning surge protector with power company locks on it. That is a common installation for a load center management system installed by the power company here. They also double tap the water heater breaker for the power management on it, as well as pool equipment breakers.
I’m told the AHJ ok’s the installation because the second wire is stranded, and does not carry a load??
This load center management system you speak of, how does it work.
That’s what I thought it was but can’t see how it will break the circuit when it needs to. I thought they were designed to shut down for a while during peak times. My question is how will this application disconnect power from the unit?
Load center management systems are wired+ in-line with the low voltage control system of the a/c unit. They sense demand, and during peak demand periods will cycle the a/c condensor unit off by interrupting the low voltage to the contactor. They can be double tapped because there is no load bearing device.
Thanks Jimmy
This is what I see, one a double tap, I thing we all can agree on that.
The box says, “Prime Time Program”
The tap seems to feed the control box, and the control box interrupts the signal from the thermostat to the compressor, as directed by TECO. (Found info here, might be a plus that this house has one, since new participants were blocked after 2005). So nothing like getting some money back from the elec company.
What would I do? I would document it, and recommend the home owner contact TECO, about the ‘double tap’. Plus I would call too, and maybe call the AHJ for future reference.
Purely IMHO!
My (St Pete) condo had the load management system but Florida Power cut them off several years ago and it was just superflous hardware in there after that. (no rebates, no interuptions). They installed it but it was my responsibility to remove it.
Fortunatelly it was easy to reconstruct the original; setup since it was crudely installed, using all yellow wire. This one actually used big contactors to open the ungrounded conductors to the water heater, heat strips and A/C compressor. The HVAC fan kept running.
I can see how simply opening the 24v control to the condenser would do the same thing. It just might be easier to defeat without opening the sealed enclosure.
Some of the very old load management systems had a very large mercury contactor inside. These present a disposal issue, when removed.