Double wide Inspection

I know there are some threads concerning inspecting mobile homes…and I’ve read several.
Does anyone have some advice for inspecting an older doublewide? it’s on a permanent foundation. I know that much. And from what i’ve seen, has a flat roof & carport on the side.

Anything in particular to look for? heads up on anything is MUCH appreciated.
This board has been very helpful in the past, and I thank you in advance for your help again! :slight_smile:

This may be helpful, Mike:

Make sure you run lots of water through the tub / shower and flush more than a couple times. If the liner is still intact on the bottom of the home, it takes more water for any leaks to work their way through, or to the low spot of the liner.

I always flush toilets 3 times. I see many that only show a symptom on every 2nd flush.


anything else?
I read somewhere the electric panel may be different?

You will probably have an exterior main panel feeding the hvac and maybe a well and then the inside panel will have to be fed with 4 conductors and have separate neutral and ground busses.

Take the cover off the wall or in a closet and see if the water heater is leaning to one side with a rotten floor…

Thanks again! you all are very helpful.

Taken from the mouth of Gerry Beaumont…

" if you walk the roof and you did not find a soft spot…go back. You missed something"


“if you walk the floor around all the vents and commodes and you did not note a soft spot…go back. You missed something”


Gerry Beaumont gave some good advice about manufactured housing like you have described. If you inspect it and did not find any moisture damage, go back and look again. You probably missed it.


I saw where GB had Manf. housing training. would’ve liked that.
feeling nervous.

By nature, mobile homes flex and move a lot. Watch
for moisture penetration points, decay spots, loose
tie down straps (mobile homes are suppose to be tied down),
particle board flooring (swells and falls apart), delaminating
siding (inferior product), poor plumbing fixtures, slopes
in the floor, leaning blocks under the foundation, poor
drainage, cheap roofing materials, caulking instead of
flashing, damaged skirting materials, doors out of square,
No access to the attic area, mildew and mold behind
wall paper and loose wall panels, armature porch add-ons,
and Polybutylene Piping, insulation falling down under the
foundation, duct laying on the ground and damaged,
moisture stains painted over, sags in the roof-attic
structure, poor venting, humps in the floor where they
join together, fixtures falling off the wall with a little

And if the old exterior siding is metal, be aware that the
metal is made of the same magnesum that they put into
fire crackers to make them explode… and the time span
to escape from a burning mobile home is just a couple minutes,
if your lucky enough not to die from the deadly smoke…

BTW… mobile homes are the only real estate that has a blue book
of devaluation, just like an automobile. They loose value
each year, no matter how you fix them up.

Varmints love to live in the joist systems after the insulation
starts to fall off. The toilets will come out of the particle
board floor if you lean over a little too much. If the toilet
runs over or the dog pisses on the floor, the particle board
will hold the odor for a long time.

The laminating process of all the cheap materials in a mobile
home let go of gases over the years and the smell of glue
and chemicals lingers for a long time in some cases. The
trim is always popping off everywhere. The studs are narrow
and the ceiling materials sag a lot. The flooring creaks and
gets loose after a while.

I will stop for now… you get the picture… list everything.!

Always remind your client that mobile homes are not built
to the same standards as normal residential construction
in most cases… So they will not be surprised with all the
little things that keep needing fixed after they buy their
dream home. :shock:

Newer modular homes have venting and roofing updated and not too bad to inspect. Older ones are a bit of a challenge. But do not feel nervous.
If asked if you have ever done one before… do not lie. Just say I don’t think I have done this model.
I have done quite a few in several places around here.
One park loves me and tell the buyers to try to get me. The surprising thing I found was the park has a lot of trees that need to be trimmed. They do this when I mention it in my report. They told one couple it helps them to see what the park needs to pay attention to.
I find venting is an area to look at. Many do not have an accessable attic. Make sure you mark this in your report. This makes the roof deteriorate quicker… check the roof carefully. Many have added porches or sunrooms… check for leaks at the joints.
If they have an electric connection below the unit, check this although a permanent one will have a regular underground service and meter.
Under the floor, check the insulation, Is it intact? are there cuts in the material holding it in place? etc.
Mostly remember to mark in your report… MODULAR HOME… BY MANUFACTURE. Especially when marking the “basement” or foundation.
