Drip edge?

How many of you report lack of proper drip edge when you see this type of install?

Or do you accept this style of “drip edge” and move on?

This house built in '06, but roof was recently replaced do to hail damage.

I rarely see it. Pretty sure it is a best practice and not a requirement.

It is technically acceptable, but I see it damaged and deteriorated often enough to regularly make the recommendation to install proper drip edges, (rake and fascia).

Just the opposite here. I almost Always see it, except at homes built by the areas largest tract builder.

As you can see from my photos even the weather resistant barrier isn’t installed right. It would be very easy for wind driven rain and/or ice to back-up under shingles and onto exposed decking.

That would be problematic up here in heavy snow country.

Everything about those photos is wrong.
Manufacturers Instructions were not followed.
Underlayement improperly installed and lack of starter strip not present and so on.
Standard of Practice in roofing includes a drip edge to protect the edge of the roof sheathing and fascia. :slight_smile:

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So the “customized” fascia board and gutter don’t qualify? :mrgreen:

Chris, I am assuming you have a preponderance of steep pitched roofs down there as I do? Thus we have the same drip edge scenarios. Very commonplace here.

So common place does not make it correct?

Most roofing contractors in my area use “proper” metal drip edge flashing, 2" - 3".

It has to have a starter strip. Water will leak between shingles and damage the osb.
Here no one uses drip edge and most roofs manage. No starter is a bad thing. Write it up. They will probably just jamb some under the first row for a fix.

Let me clarify… the majority of new roofs being installed today are getting drip edge installed. It was like the roofers never knew it existed until 2000. Unfortunately, most roofs I am seeing are 30-40-50 years old, and the damaged fascias and rakes are major rotted with 10 layers of paint and caulk trying to hide it! Then there’s the sheet metal fixes to all the squirrel damage. :shock:

Bad all the way around. I’m sure if you investigated further you would find more wrong than good!

I would never accept that method of installing drip edge. Drip edge metal is required to extend a minimum of 1/2 inch below the leading edge of the sheathing and 2 inches back onto the deck

I report it.
Paper over the drip on the downward slope and under the drip on the raked edge.
That’s just me.
Look bad practices are the start to my building my hypotheses.
Cheep materials and improper practices mean null and void warranty.

First think about the purpose of a drip edge then note that it is supporting shingles while at the same time directing water into the fascia and soffit trim.

Wind lift on the tiles will force water down into the gap.

Pull it off and re install as it is backwards which makes me wonder what kind of flashing work the guy did?

Like tucking your rain coat into your pants, something is gonna get wet and rot!!

Starter shingle should be; upside down reversed and all tabs removed.
The bottom self seal strip will attach the tabs on the first course of shingles laid out correctly to slow down shear wind pressure that drive weather and water upstream.
Henceforth the vapour barrier is over the drip on the downward slope.
The shingle weight will hold down the paper.

Any water the entered from above can escape the bottom instead of being trapped at the drip or onto the fascia.

On the raked edge it under the drip so shear can not penetrate the membrane.

Anchorage; Starter shingle Nailed 6" inches up from the decks start or downward side.

The roof starter application is defective.
Plain and simple.
SUSPECT: Asphalt shingle roof starter application.
Defective drip edge, (note the infractions) Improper starter shingle layout and fastening. ( note the defective (anchorage) and what happens under shear load.
Possible weather water infiltration and the components that get effected…
RECOMMEND: A licensed roofer evaluate and repair the condition noted in the report.
LIMITATIONS: Inspected from the roof. Non destructive observation.