Hey Folks, This is a setup I’ve never seen. I’ll look things up when I’m back in my office, but I’d like to get the Electrical folks comments.
This Load Center looks like a Split Bus design, but the main lug has a pigtail to a 100 Amp Main Breaker that’s installed. Condominium built in 1973. I appreciate your comments
Agree with Roy but it’s also interesting that what they’ve done makes absolutely zero sense. The breakers on double-tapped wires are now back-fed and fed from the bus.
Agreed. A double tapped lug is always a callout for a licensed electrician and it appears like it could be a 200 Amp Split Bus panel (except the 100 Amp that pigtailed to the lug). From appearances, I’m guessing this configuration is original to the home (1973) and I have a queasy feeling that all the condominiums in the complex are the same.
Here’s a couple more photos. I don’t typically take a wide view of the entire panel with the dead front removed, but maybe I should start doing that.
From the photo’s it doesn’t appear to be a split bus. You would need more photo’s of the 100 amp breaker to confirm what is actually going on. That appears to be some version of an obsolete SQ D Q1 2100 2 Pole 100 Amp breaker.