Originally Posted By: jtedesco This post was automatically imported from our archived forum.
I wanted to show what could happen after an inspection was made.
Print this out in color, and put it on your clipboard.
The cover was removed from a cabinet containing a panelboard, but not by any type of inspector, instead by a wannabe electrician who knew nothing about wiring except how to tighten screws did some recent "electric kill" work.
Originally Posted By: jtedesco This post was automatically imported from our archived forum.
That’s correct! The point of this discussion is that there are too many so-called installers, or those without any clue who think that they can wire up electrical systems anyway they want!
Why would you ask this question? 
Originally Posted By: jpeck This post was automatically imported from our archived forum.
jtedesco wrote:
That's correct! The point of this discussion is that there are too many so-called installers, or those without any clue who think that they can wire up electrical systems anyway they want!
Why would you ask this question? 
Vince may have taken this statement: "what could happen after an inspection was made" from your beginning post the same way I did.
I took it as meaning that this happened "when" or "after" an inspection was made, and that, somehow, this was a result of that inspection, not the wiring which was in the panel.