Here are some pics from the electrical on this afternoon’s inspection.
And some more…
This was very hot.
Looks like that double tap is doing a job on the cart fuse!
Ben, Do you have Quick Report 1.0 from Flir?
BTW; I’m heading to Boston in two weeks for the Building Science course.
Massive overfusing…
And they’re using 30 Amp fuses on #12 AWG. Nice…
What are you using to get your infrared images?
Yes, I have not had a chance to use it yet, it has been busy and getting ready to go on vacation. I am going to probably take the classes in clarksville.
bcam sd
There are some issues in that panel, but at least some items in that IR image are reflections.
As with many IR images, care to expound?
Did anyone notice that the neutrals are fused on the first box, the one with the K&T?
I don’t believe so, Marc.
But I would’nt take the camera reading as exact. Emissivity must be set for an exact temp reading.
I don’t see how you could have much reflection off bakalite.
Ben. Permission to steal some of those images for my course?
Use the program. You can change all kinds of things (including emissivity, distance, palette ect…) You have travelling temp pointer for the important areas.
You just don’t have time on site to do all the testing. Just get a good focused picture, in a good environment and you can deal with it back at the office.
Now remember Will, Reflectance + Emissivity + Transmittance = Q
Q= Total temp. measurement.
There is “some” reflectance, but not enough (except on the metal terminal screws) to cause great concern.
Know that. It just (a little bit) P**d me off that a sparky was calling ‘reflectance’ on this.
To be clear, I have an M.S. in Physics and was working with this technology back in 1979 at the University of Chicago. This being a Sunday night and myself having some ‘adult beverage’ in my system, I feel like venting.
Bakalite. Transmittance = 0. Reflectance < .09. Emmisivity big time.
Marc. I won’t install panels, but don;’ tell me about Thermography.
Sorry :neutral: , I just had to do it.
I would hate to see what you would post if you had been drinking…:mrgreen:
Thermal imagery is as much an art as it is a science.
Thanks for the response. I myself am thinking of purchasing one and I am always curious what others are using and how easy/hard they find them to operate.
David, are you attending the building science course on the 17-20?
My brother Alan and I are taking this course, let me know.
Regarding fused neutrals, it was common to fuse hot and neutral lines on knob & tube wiring (circa early 1900’s). I repaired a service at a house that was a porcelain double fuse holder similiar to the one pictured on a 1X6 piece of pine nailed to the kitchen wall above the refrigerator. One circuit for the entire house.
I have played with it some and know a little of what you are talking about. Time constraints …what do you do???
Ben, we bought the SD too, I have been using it around the house but can’t wait to go to the training.
My brother Alan is taking it tomorrow and will get a feel for it before we start the class.
We already have inspections lined up for later in the year!