Originally Posted By: jhorton This post was automatically imported from our archived forum.
First I just found this Board. I have been looking for a board like this for a while. I am an Appraiser as well as inspector and have been inspecting for a few years.
My question is has anyone found Environmental Inspections to be worth perusing? I had a call about it yesterday from a lady that sounds like she had a serious mold problem in her crawl space. Of course I declined but I don't know on anyone doing air sampling or mold or anything of this type in my area. It got me to thinking and wondering if it might be something to look into?
Any experiences in this would be welcome.
-- Jeff <*\\><
The man who tells the truth doesn't have to remember what he said.
Originally Posted By: gbeaumont This post was automatically imported from our archived forum.
Hi Jeff
firstly welcome to the message board.
The topic you raise is an interesting (and somewhat contentious ) one, many inspectors including ones posting in this forum find the whole concept of mold testing abhorrent, their school of thought is that mold should not be tested only remediated. For myself I’m not so sure, to that extent I am going on a mold training course this summer with a highly regarded commercial lab. There are however other issues that need addressing before you go down the mold route, not the least of which is the insurance aspects of offering mold/IAQ testing as many of the E&O carriers specifically exclude coverage for that service.
I personally find the topic very interesting in particular molds impact on those who suffer from allergies etc. This topic has been discussed previously on this board, try the search function for access to the prior discussions.