Ethical Advertising

Originally Posted By: jevett
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Hello, I would like some input on my advertising to realtors.

I know NACHI says never offer anything to realtors for a referral,

but I would like to offer them an “Agent Expenditure Relief” that would

read as follows.

ABC Inspection co. realizes the time and cost incurred by real estate agents ordering the Buyers/Sellers home inspection report. Sometimes this involves the agent being present during the inspection, making calls, doing paper work, and scheduling the inspection. Therefore ABC Inspection co. would like to try and offset the agent?s expenditure?s incurred by offering a gift card to thank them for there diligent effort in ensuring a timely and accurate home inspection for the client.

I would also apply an Agent / Inspector Disclosure for the client that would read the same.
So would this or could this be considered a "Referral" or even ethical?
Any comments or suggestions would be appreciated. Thank you.

Originally Posted By: ddivito
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In my opinion, any gift or token to an individual is a form of kickback. Gifts to an office is alright. Besides it is their job to do the things you list. Do they give you money or a token in gratitude for you doing your job? We do not have to apologize for the job we do.

Originally Posted By: mboyett
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I agree with Dennis, I stay away from any gifts to Realtors other than cookies or donuts for the office occassionally. Gift cards, certificates or discounts are fine for the clients but other than that I don’t do it. Keep in mind that the Realtors are getting compensated extremely well to do those things you list, if even they do them.

Mike Boyett

Capital City Inspections

Austin, Tx

Originally Posted By: jwilliams4
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“not just an inspection, but an education”

Originally Posted By: jwilliams4
This post was automatically imported from our archived forum.

Dennis – I’m sorry about the spelling of your name, but what can I say?

I’m Wlsh, you know.

“not just an inspection, but an education”

Originally Posted By: kbowles
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I take around clear gift bags with a business card sized Thank-you attached that I designed on my computer and print out. I hand these out to all the Realtors that were involved in my business for the month. The bag has about 10 Hersheys kisses and 10 Hersheys hugs. The card says,
"Hugs and Kisses from Bowles Home Inspections, Thank-you". I had one Realtor tell me that someone in her office got to her bag before she did and I simply told her not to worry that there were plenty more Hugs and Kisses where those came from. This is a very inexpensive way to stand out and when I place the bags in the Realtors box, you can bet I make sure the cards show for everyone to be able to read.

Kevin B

Life's a journey, not a destination.