Originally Posted By: gromicko This post was automatically imported from our archived forum.
, the same insurance company that handles the Society of Professional Engineers. I met with them and we worked out a survey we need as many inspectors as possible to complete. Please click the link below. You need not be a NACHI member. We need as many inspectors as possible to complete the survey. Reasonable insurance is coming soon.
Originally Posted By: gbeaumont This post was automatically imported from our archived forum.
Hi Nick
can you ask Chris to stick this at the top of the page or better still, get him to email out the link to this, as the more responding to this the better off we will all be. Insurance is only a numbers game and the bigger group deal that we can do the better the pricing.
Originally Posted By: Nick Gromicko This post was automatically imported from our archived forum.
Lester: Preliminarily, it looks like it will save us about a grand each at least (on E&O). Instead of bothering Chris to keep this up high on this section of the message board, perhaps I’ll just rename it “Iggy’s Pics.” That will drive the traffic to it.
PS. I'll be able to get us discounts in all 50 states.
Originally Posted By: Nick Gromicko This post was automatically imported from our archived forum.
Dear Nick, I have been working on the narrative portion of our proposal to carriers in anticipation of receiving the numbers. I have completed the sections on Standards of Practice, Code of Ethics, Continuing Education and NACHI’s Online Inspector University. 99% of the stuff I took from your site. I want to focus on the contact your members use and especially the arbitration language. Where can I find that?
I have 4 carriers which have agreed to discuss the possibility of doing a preferred program for NACHI. If things go according to plan, I hope
we can create some competition for an endorsed program. Look forward to hearing from you on the above.
Originally Posted By: kpapp This post was automatically imported from our archived forum.
Nick, Anything new on the insurance? I have been doing alot of looking around and will need insurance soon. I would love to get my business off the ground soon. Thank Ken
Originally Posted By: jrooff This post was automatically imported from our archived forum.
If this works and we all can share in lower cost on E&O ins. and we need to get you a cape to go with your suit with a big red S on it, the super NACHI defender.
Hope to meet you at the Nov. 1 meeting up in Bloomington MN. its only 4 hours away.