Originally Posted By: gromicko This post was automatically imported from our archived forum.
NACHI is sending out letters to members in several states that require E&O insurance to perform home inspections. The letter will ask you to acknowledge that you carry E&O insurance ONLY IF YOUR STATE REQUIRES IT. If you do not have E&O insurance IN A STATE THAT REQUIRES IT, you will be made invisible to the public on our sites including www.findaninspector.us You will still be a member, but invisible to the public.
If you don't have E&O insurance in a state that DOESN'T require it... simply disregard.
You need not worry about this if you are in most states (most states do not require E&O insurance). This is only for members in those states that require insurance to perform home inspections.
No one is being kicked out of NACHI so don't start freaking out on me.
And of course, new inspectors should not purchase E&O insurance until just before they perform their first fee-paid inspection. No sense in paying on a premium you are not using.
Originally Posted By: Nick Gromicko This post was automatically imported from our archived forum.
We’re also trying to clean up www.findaninspector.us This has become the home buying public’s most popular site for finding certified inspectors. We want every inspector on it to be both willing and able to provide inspection services sought.
Members still "thinking about" going into the business who are not ready to accept inspection work will be invisible now.
Originally Posted By: jremas This post was automatically imported from our archived forum.
Thanks to the Staff for improving the professionalism of this organization. Now if we can get some work done on the suggestion that I emailed to our President. I’m sure it may happen in time. One step at a time right guys & gals?
Jeff Remas
REMAS Inspections, Inc.
Northeastern PA & the Poconos
Originally Posted By: Nick Gromicko This post was automatically imported from our archived forum.
The secret purpose is not to check their E&O insurance policy…Most inspectors need not carry E&O insurance and members are not required to by NACHI. The purpose of the letter is to confirm our suspicions that some members are not actively engaged in the business. The goal is to make sure that when consumers go to www.findaninspector.us their search results solely in members actively in the business of providing the inspection services sought.
It has little to do with E&O insurance. But it is easy for us to kill 2 birds with one stone.
I've already been calling PA members to see if they still want on our public search sites. Many in PA only became members because Vocational Rehab in PA paid for their membership and the Community Colleges in PA offered college credit.
If any member is not really seeking business, please let me know so that our members who are seeking business aren't diluted on www.findaninspector.us with your contact info.
Originally Posted By: Nick Gromicko This post was automatically imported from our archived forum.
As Joe F said:
In those few states that require E&O insurance, an uninsured inspector should not be advertising his services to the public anyway. We have extra responsibility because of the overwhelming popularity of www.findaninspector.us with the general public/consumers.
You're right David, this only effects a few states.
Originally Posted By: gsutterfield This post was automatically imported from our archived forum.
Would it not be appropriate to let them know that if they fail to respond they are susseptible to removal as well ? This was just a thought since I don't know how the letter is worded .
Originally Posted By: pdacey This post was automatically imported from our archived forum.
What about verifying if a member has a license in a state that requires it? I know one of the people who pops up for San Antonio on findaninspector.us does not have a license to be an HI in TX. I know he’s working on it, but doesn’t have it yet.
Originally Posted By: Nick Gromicko This post was automatically imported from our archived forum.
Outside of Texas… No.
Texas cooperated with us on NACHI.org and www.findaninspector.us to add TREC numbers to every member's contact info. If other states wish to supply us this data on a continual basis we will offer them the same accommodation but we're not going to do it for them.
Many inspectors join NACHI BEFORE they actually get licensed. This is especially true where licensing is initially going into effect.