I have been putting these as “unknown” in the past. But maybe @jfudge or someone else has a source to determine age? Would be cool!
CANADAsupport@fantech.net or by telephone at 800.565.3548.
That’s the date/time stamp from my phone camera, lol.
I figured that, is it wrong or is this from 20 years ago?
Looks right to me.
What a dumbshit!
My bad, I misread it.
I think you messed up and revealed you are from the future. No wonder you are so concerned about America!
Fantech sometimes has the date at the bottom right of the data tag. I haven’t found a warranty lookup for Fantech as of yet. Possibly 2010?
This one didn’t have it on the tag. House was built in 22. My guess is 2021 for the Fantech air exchanger, but not able to verify. Could be part of the 2121G section of the SN?
manufactured the 12the week of 2121… … … . … … …
That would probably make sense.
I haven’t seen that boiler name before. Based in Minnesota, stop in for a visit!
Manufactured by Electro Industries
I always liked that one-hit wonder from Zager and Evans. I can’t remember if I saw them lip-synching it on that show.
@ruecker, I had a Fantech on today’s inspection, same type serial number. I called them. Mine was April 2022.
Your data tag…
Ryan must have forgot his decoder ring that day.