Florida inspector's organization

Some Professional inspectors were living up to long standing industry standards and ethics provisions long before licensing was implemented.

I fixed it for ya… :mrgreen:

Can we please keep the posts on topic?

Anthony, this is EXACTLY on topic…well Kinda. 5 people, 6 different points of view. Welcome to the jungle


I am dead on on the public’s view.
if you do no agree that is your foolish error.
I do not really care much how you or anyone else feels.
I know how the public feels.

A professional from way back made their own minds up on who and what they wanted to agree with or on.

Now days you ARE FORCED to agree with the State if you want the license.

Those of you who wanted it are fools.

Yes Anthony, it is on topic and also illustrates one of the problems. 1,600 members and five posters…on virtually every Florida thread.

The majority of licensed home inspectors are not affiliated with any organization and don’t care what anyone thinks.

Fact or opinion?

I ain’t no friggin’ math wizard… But if you count the number of ASHI members, then add the NACHI members, then add all the rest of the associations what do you have… About 2,000 affiliated home inspectors at best… Now count the licenses, I believe we are well into 6,000… You do the math.

Ain’t no opinion, simply science.

7000 inspectors

7712 to be exact. Issued 1-25-2013

Go have a cup of coffee, then re-read what I wrote! :mrgreen:

I was referring to this organization and its members and the number that actually post. I am sure, the maximum number would be 15.

If they don’t even post, which is one of the easiest things to do, how are they going to do anything else, besides possibly making a donation?

Speaking of which, Michelle, I want to make a donation, as I did last year, but who/what am I donating to? :smiley:

And less than 1000 do all the majority of the inspections.

Very likely correct.

I’m very happy with 250 a year, youse guys can fight over the rest. :smiley: