Four Infrared Cameras Comparison

We compare FLIR E5, FLIR C2, Perfect Prime, and FLIR One cameras at a leaking bathroom sink and an exterior door with InterNACHI’s Ben Gromicko. For more information and cameras: and Home Inspection Tools for Home Inspectors - HOME INSPECTOR COACH and Search: 21 results found for "infrared" – Inspector Outlet and Infrared Certified® Certification Requirements - InterNACHI®.


Great info here, preciate ya

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Thank you! Excellent

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What is the model number for the Perfect prime camera?

You can see the model number in the video

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It is IR0281…

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He could have done the multi temp sensors (dots) as well with the FLIR 5.

Yep, @rlewis5. It just seemed too much to do every feature of each cam. But the sensors on that one cam was cool.


I noticed the field of view was the best with the Flir E5. The other cameras may be better at close-up work.

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By far, even though the E5 has been discontinued. Two of the others are terrible.


Obviously I did not see the model number on the front of the camera the first time I saw the video. If it’s so hard for you to give a helpful answer why even bother answering the post.

I gave you the answer, it’s clear as day in the video. Like any home inspector you must do your own research. Maybe it was too much work to watch the video. I know most new inspectors enjoy the low hanging fruit and lean on others to answer all their questions for them. Your welcome.


Martin thank you… But the resolution on the camera depending on what you’re doing is Paramount.

Chicken shit cameras give you chicken shit results


I agree. I use a hacked E4 and it gives me 330x240 resolution. I like it just fine.


Mr. Martin I have to Agree. I love my E8


Which one of these cameras would be most comparable to the Flir C5?

The video will not play for me. Anyone else having trouble/ thoughts?

Hi Brad, welcome aboard. Works fine for me.

You may have click the video twice to get it to play. Or visit the video on YouTube directly at

Welcome to our forum, Brad!..enjoy participating. :smiley:

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