FPE Fused panels

Ran across my first FPE fused sub-panel today. Is there any concern about these panels in general ?(yes, I can see the many wiring defects and will likely recommend replacement anyway). TIA


Hi Frank,

The photo is to small for me to see anything besides the fuses, but as far as I know there is no problem with the panels themselves.

FYI… the fuse blocks of those FPE fuse panels plug into a bus nearly the same way the FPE breakers do. Strangely, they don’t seem to suffer the same interface problems the breaker panels do. Matter of fact, I’d probably go so far as to call the FPE fuse panels “good”.

Thanks for the information, Marc. I thought the fuse units appeared to be plug-ins, but just didn’t know if there was any problem history. If it were not for the fact that there are several double taps and overfused circuits, I would probably be happy with it as well. What I didn’t show you is that it is located in a small closet with a gas fired water heater that tecnically partially obstructs access to the panel. However, it is a 1960s home…