If any of you do a seller’s inspection, ask the listing agent if they want a custom sign rider (a little sign that hangs off of their real estate sign). I’ll make them one and ship it to them (or to you so you can hang it for them)… NO CHARGE.
Put this on the main site for a “benefit to Realtors”.
It will help them sell the house. We need to promote
this to activerain.com and other forums when you are ready.
Wow, that sounds enticing, can I get an idea of what one looks like?
I’ll peddle it to some of the RE agents that I know of, in hopes they’ll think it’ll help sell the homes…
This was copied from the real estate agents page in ‘Move In Certified’:
“Agents can recommend certified NACHI inspectors as opposed to being at the mercy of buyer’s choices in inspectors.”
Why should NACHI care about what agents think of a buyer selecting their own inspector? In my opinion this shows heavy favortism of the agent and not the buyers right to choose.
Erol, the potential buyer has **no **right at all to choose the home inspector for the seller. The seller is paying for the home inspection on his own home. The buyer only has a right to choose the buyer’s inspector.
Steven, this is what a typical sign rider looks like: http://accentgraphics.stores.yahoo.net/aluminum.html It is most often hung under (but sometimes put on top of) the brokers FOR SALE sign to say something like “Just Lsted” or “Price Reduced” or “Move In Certified” or whatever.
Russell and John, it is ready, but new. So it is a bit raw. I’m sure we’ll make improvements to www.MoveInCertified.com over time. Go for it.
The core system, FetchReport.com has been well tested and is being used several hundred times a day already. We hope to cross the 1,000 reports a day mark by Labor Day.