This was the furnace at today’s inspection (ignore date on photo!). It had the name Miller on it, but also Nordyne. I’m not familiar with either. Thought I’d turn here for some help.
The numbers were:
model: M1MB077AAW
serial: M1M001201654
someone had told the potential buyer this was original to the manf. home - but it’s a 1970 home! and I don’t think that’s correct, that’s why I wanted some information to refer to for dates, etc.
The very design of it, as shown by the picture, indicates that it definitely is not a 1970 furnace. That design starting coming around in the late 1990s.
I was taught to take model and serial numbers on units, but can’t remember why we do this? Is there a real reason why I see so many people asking on information via model and serial number. Don’t get me wrong, I still record it but outside the max circuit breaker size I’ve never come acrooss the need to record this, is it for the customer to refer to incase???
Some of us check on recalls and safety concerns, and it’s difficult to do that without model and serial numbers.
Some of us record them because sellers have been known to take the good stuff and replace it with the bad stuff after the home inspection.
A short list of things that have been taken that my Clients have called me about: disposal, water heater, refrigerator, dishwasher, trash compactor, range, microwave hood.