I opened up the tight utility closet to find the gas-fired furnace and the gas-fired water heater in this closet with plenty of combustion air to the closet.
One problem…The main gas meter was installed about 12" above the top of the water heater. It was situated away from the exhaust pipe approximately 6". I didn’t like this set-up at all.
Does someone have codes referencing this sort of gas meter installation?
***Meters installed inside a building must be located in a ventilated place. A meter must be more than 3 feet from any source of ignition or any source of heat that might damage the meter. *** Gas meters shall be located in ventilated spaces readily accessible for examination, reading, replacement, or necessary maintenance. Gas meters shall not be placed where they will be subjected to damage, such as adjacent to a driveway, under a fire escape, in public passages, halls, or coal bins, or where they will be subject to excessive corrosion or vibration. Gas meters shall be located at least 3 ft (0.9 m) from sources of ignition. Gas meters shall not be located where they will be subjected to extreme temperatures or sudden extreme changes in temperature. Meters shall not be located in areas where they are subjected to temperatures beyond those recommended by the manufacturer.
5.7.3 Supports. Gas meters shall be supported or connected to rigid piping so as not to exert a strain on the meters. Where flexible connectors are used to connect a gas meter to downstream piping at mobile homes in mobile home parks, the meter shall be supported by a post or bracket placed in a firm footing or by other means providing equivalent support.
5.7.4 Meter Protection. Meters shall be protected against overpressure, back pressure, and vacuum, where such conditions are anticipated.