Originally Posted By: Chuck Oey This post was automatically imported from our archived forum.
First, I must say that I am impressed with the knowledge, professionalism, and helpfulness I’ve seen displayed here on the message boards. Truly encouraging for a newbie like me.
Quick background and then I'll get to my questions. I'm in my mid-30's and I'm changing careers. I live in the S.F. Bay Area. No professional experience in the trades nor in real estate. Fair amount of DIY home improvement experience. I read a lot about construction, architecture, etc., just because it interests me. I believe I'd be an excellent HI, though I don't have the empirical evidence to prove that, yet. Scored a 97 on my first try on the NACHI online exam, FWIW.
First question: The local community college has a "Building Inspection Technology" program with course titles such as "Intro. to the Building Code," "Electrical Inspection I," "Plumbing Inspection," "Structural Provisions of the UBC," etc. Would a program like this be a suitable education for an aspiring HI? (I know I've only provided limited info, but what's your gut feeling?)
Second: It looks like NACHI is made up mostly of independent HIs. While that sounds desirable to me, and while it'd certainly be a goal, I would prefer initially to work for a company as an employee. My current situation won't allow me to assume the risks of starting my own business. So, is working for an established HI company a viable option for a newbie like me? Anyone with specific information about the Bay Area market?
Finally, any NACHI members in my area who'd let me ride along?
Originally Posted By: roconnor This post was automatically imported from our archived forum.
Those courses sound helpful, but appear to be geared more toward new construction inspection and codes officials. I would look more for courses/training geared specifically toward Home Inspection (search the board and read through the Education topics), if available.
And get as much training as you can since you don't have any directly related experience. That is also why it's probably a good idea for you to work for someone initially. Just be careful with time commitments and non-compete requirements, and consider training outside your target area.
Just my 2 nickels
-- Robert O'Connor, PE
Eagle Engineering ?
Eagle Eye Inspections ?
NACHI Education Committee
I am absolutely amazed sometimes by how much thought goes into doing things wrong
Originally Posted By: Blaine Wiley This post was automatically imported from our archived forum.
Rob is right on the money about education, especially with your lack of construction background.
Since a relatively small percentage of our total membership visits this BB, go to the NACHI home page and use the find an inspector. Try someone 50 miles or more from you and send them an email requesting a ride along.
Also, read all of the pertinent threads on this board (electrical, plumbing, etc.) as they are full of good information both about home inspection knowledge and day to day affairs.
Good Luck! 
Originally Posted By: ekartal This post was automatically imported from our archived forum.
Chuck, Although construction/real estate experience is obviously helpful, I know some pretty good inspectors that had no previous experience. They all went to credible schools and have a strong desire to succeed. One inspector I know does very well because he has a strong sales/marketing background and is an excellent communicator.