Are you in favor of AAA construction school getting another year to get a license for anyone with $239?
no .
I am in favor of them posting the # of current licenced inspectors in every county along with the # of homes closed in that county on the application form. It’s tough out there, move back in with your parent’s let them worry about it.
No. Close the door!
hells no
Negative Ghost Rider.
No. End it now
Not no but HELL NO
A big NO!!!
Senator Bennett needs to hear your voice… Home inspector Grandfathering is destroying the home inspection profession in Florida and should not be extended.
Here is my letter, you may use it as a model.
The Honorable Mike Bennett
404 Senate Office Building
404 South Monroe Street
Tallahassee, FL 32399-1100
Dear Senator Bennett:
The legislation addressing SB-396 is of paramount interest to me because I am a licensed home inspector This issue directly impacts my profession and the way we as professionals will be able to function effectively for the citizens of Florida
I am primarily concerned about extending the grandfathering period for home inspectors. Due to loop-holes in the original licensing bill there are unscrupulous schools and associations who are helping uneducated and inexperienced individuals obtain a home inspectors license. Furthermore because there are no Standards of Practice or enforcement in place the public will be unable to differentiate between home inspectors who have many years of experience and education and those who just graduated from a diploma mill.
Although I have read reports of your position, I realize this may not fully represent your viewpoint. Therefore, I will look forward to your reply expressing your opinions, and your current stance on the issue.
Thank you for your consideration of my viewpoint on this matter. I believe it is an important issue, and would like to see the legislation fail to extend home inspector grandfathering to any more uneducated and inexperienced individuals.
*Joe Burkeson, *
11705 Boyette Road - Suite 404
*Riverview, FL, 33569 *
*E-mail Address *
I noticed that, with the requirement to reveal your vote, the “inexperienced and uneducated” are not participating in this particular poll like the other one.
No not at all.
No I say end it as agreed upon. Everyone has had an equal opportunity to be Grandfathered. Regardless of the type license you hold for another profession, the Grandfathering should end. Simply possessing a GC license in its self should not meet the qualifications for a Home Inspector nor should it entitle them to an extension. The extension of Home inspector Grandfathering will only assist in destroying the home inspection profession in Florida. It should not be extended.
Of course, I and every other inspector would answer this question no, but it’s not quite that simple.
The current bill began by allowing licensing by endorsement (with no exam or experience) for code inspectors and contractors. This would have been forever.
Through the lobbying efforts of the Florida Home Inspector’s Council, we managed to get this provision limited to this year only. The bill’s author suggested extending the grandfathering for everyone. In exchange for this concession, we got the clause removed that would allow contractors to perform repairs on homes they have inspected.
In other words, we got something and we gave something.
The forces behind this are much more powerful than we are. We’re lucky to get this far. We can work on eliminating home inspectors from the extension, I don’t think this would be a big fight. This bill still has to go through 3 committees, so there will be chances to fight this in the future.
FL home inspectors need to be unified in fighting the forces that want to mess with us. If you are not financially supporting the FL Home Inspector’s Council, you are part of the problem! You can’t rant and rave all you want here and write all the letters you want, but I can tell you from experience, it’s lobbying that counts.
I will not support a group that neither represent me or my goals nor will I ever support the current regime of FL NACHI.
Does FL NACHI want the extension? Hell yes they do! Adds money to the individual pocket. I will make this deal with anyone alive. Let me make about $ 100,000 and I promise to donate $7000 towards any cause you would like.
The coalition has never been transparent and only until Greg Bell got into the picture was anything ever told to us. Now you want money…so NOW I am to get involved.
Mr. Cramer hearing your credentials you have done a significant amount for the industry and I thank you for that, but in the same token I will never ever ever give the present Florida NACHI “organization” a single penny of my money. They have damaged our industry beyond recognition. If it were ran as an organization instead of a testing income for individuals, then it would make sense.
Sorry and mr. Cramer you are 100% percent wrong stating if I do not roll over then I am part of the problem. I see FL NACHI as the biggest problem. Just because my vision is different than your does not mean it’s wrong, it’s just different. Good luck in your endeavors, but p,ease do not say because I do not what to give a “coalition” then I am hurting the industry, because I want nothing more than this industry to survive and flourish more than it ever has…
It appears that the lobbyist has posed a challenge to the rank and file inspector.
The way I see it…the lobbyist needs to represent to the lawmaker that he represents the majority of inspectors in order to win. The only way to neutralize him will be for the opposition to make itself loud and visible to the media, the lawmakers and the public.
The gauntlet has been thrown and the clock is ticking…