The Greater Philadelphia Chapter had it’s first meeting today and hosted the Pro-Lab 1 Day Intial Mold Certification and Marketing class. It turned out to be a HUGE SUCSESS!!! There were 18 people that took the class today from every organization you can imagine. There were home inspectors from NACHI, ASHI, AII, contractors, an engineer, and real estate professionals. Of course there was some debate going one during the breaks, but everyone seemed to get along dispite whatever association they were affiliated with. Lisa Endez gave me a certificate to pass out for one years free membership to NACHI and it went to a local PA ASHI member that has been trying to make the decission to drop out of ASHI and make his way over to NACHI. I think that little gift and hearing about all of us NACHI guys talking about all of the benifits available finally helped him make the decission. That in itself made me pretty proud to be a member of this organization.
I’m looking forward to having the next informal meeting soon. Kestrel Weather Instruments contacted me a little while back and they want to promote their instruments to home inspectors, mold inspectors, and HVAC technicians. Their instruments are really nice and inexpensive! I myself am an EPA 608 Certified Universal Technician and these instruments are great for diagnosing HVAC problems. They also have a multitude of uses in the home inspection and mold inspection fields. So, they would like to come out and do a seminar and do a Q&A session. I will be scheduling that for sometime later next month.
I also want to look into possibly going to some manufacturing facilities and having the makes of different building supplies give classes on proper applications of their products. E.P. Henry concrete products has many local facilities and that might be kind of interesting to check out. I know there are several roof truss manufactures in the area as well. I’m sure there are a lot more that I haven’t thought of yet.
The chapter is just starting out, but after seeing that people were showing a real genuine interest in what I hoped to accomplish with the chapter, I hope to see some great things in the future happening around Philadelphia and the home inspection industry.
Any input would be greatly appriciated on future topics, speakers, or events.