
William here… Just making a post to introduce myself and to get some feedback from the experts :slight_smile: . I really like the structure of this organization so far.

For the past year or so I have been pushing to get into the home inspection business. As for my background,

  • Associates degree in Building Construction
  • 5-10 years experience in renovations, landscaping and construction
  • Currently running my own handyman/contractor business
  • I have taken most of the online courses here at Nachi (thumbs up)
  • have seen every episode of Holmes on homes (does that count? haha)
  • planning on taking the OAHI courses aswell as I am already a student member.

Just asking for any free advice as to the best way to procede as I havent performed any fee payed inspections as of yet. Whats the best way to get into the market? Would it be better to work for an already established H.I. company for a while for experience or, would venturing on my own be a better option?

Any tips, advice or comments are welcome


Hang around these forums and soak it all in is the advice I would give. There are a lot of very helpful people here. Good luck! And Welcome.

Welcome William and good luck!!

Just as Glen said, the message board is really helpful.

Do as many inspections for friends and family that you can from as many different styles and ages of homes as you can so you can get more familiar with the different types of construction. Take lots of pictures if you can.

See if you can do a few ride-alongs with a few experienced home inspectors to see their different styles and protocols of their home inspection, and how they interact with clients and agents.

Bring your brochures and business cards to open houses to meet agents. Spend a few minutes talking to them so they get to know of you and your experience. Be careful, because if there are other people in the house looking around the agents focus will be on them and they won’t want to talk to a home inspector.

Don’t be discouraged - it takes a while to get going.


IT AIN"T EASY!!! (especially when there hundreds of newbies getting into the business every month)

Thanks for the tips guys! Greatly appreciated.

For established inspectors Newbies are a good thing :slight_smile:
All one has to do is figure out their week points, [simply by reading posts by newbies here] make their week points your strong points, capitalize on those points, and market the heck out of those items :smiley: :smiley: :smiley:

"- have seen every episode of Holmes on homes"

Are you kidding us? That qualifies you to be president of the organizaiton!

William B. Cuff for president!

( I am just down the road if you need help advice etc give me a call / email)

Get all the free demo HI software that you can get

It will help you all ready good inspection skills

Remember that this a busness of getting data and then properly reporting it

Look at you local market and adjust to it

You have a good background

Welcome aboard


Too funny George!!!:smiley:

Welcome to NACHI William!!